Autor: Leszek KUBRAK (
Data: Wed 01 Jul 1998 - 09:14:03 MET DST
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--------------------------- WarpCast -------------------------
Source: George Fliger (
Moderator: Trevor Smith (
For those of you planning on installing the new Fixpack #7 that just
became available you may want to reconsider.
It seems that the .ZIP files used by the online RSU facility are
broken somewhere. The update will crash about 45-48 percent through
the Deferred service phase of the install. I tried several times to
do a Download and Install and just a plain Download and manual
install and the results were the same. I was able to get the update
to go by downloading the disk images (*.?dk) but discovered that the
update breaks my Netscape setup (both the February and June '98
refreshes). Backing out of the Fixpack allowed Netscape to function
Hopefully I've saved someone some grief on this. Let's hope that IBM
gets a fix to the fix out shortly.
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Leszek KUBRAK <>
P.U.I. "InfoKub" tel.0-602-221956
os.Kolorowe 25/5 fax.(0-12)644-57-59
31-941 KRAKÓW
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