Autor: Tomasz Stelmaszczuk (
Data: Tue 30 Jun 1998 - 11:07:16 MET DST
June 29, 1998
Provides New Server Management and Universal Device Driver Support
AUSTIN, June 29, 1998 . . . IBM* today announced the next release of
OS/2 Warp Server will allow users to administer Windows NT** 4.0
servers from an OS/2* Warp Server screen, eliminating the need for
signing onto multiple servers and simplifying network access.
The new release also will provide industry standard support for
Intelligent Input/Output (I2O) device drivers and adapters such as Small
Computer System Interface (SCSI), and Local Area Network (LAN) ethernet
and token rings. This will give customers immediate
availability of I2O SCSI an LAN device drivers.
"As we roll out the next version of OS/2 Warp Server early next year you
will see that we are putting a strong emphasis on the needs of
our enterprise customers," said Jeff Smith, director of IBM's OS/2
Business Unit. "Both the Windows NT server management and our
support of the I2O device driver specification are enhancements that
should help our customers to better manage their enterprises."
Windows NT Server Management
The new server management capabilities in the upcoming version of OS/2
Warp Server should help system administrators to better
manage their multi-vendor network through an OS/2 Warp Server. The new
Windows NT server management gives administrators the
ability to create, update, and delete user accounts (IDs), passwords,
and groups, via OS/2 Warp Server's simple graphical user
interface or rich command line interface. The user information can be
synchronized seamlessly with Windows NT servers in the OS/2
Warp Server network. In addition, end users will only need to log on to
one server to access all files, applications and printers -- rather
than entering multiple IDs and passwords to access information on
different server platforms.
In a typical scenario user accounts (IDs), passwords, and some
applications would reside on an OS/2 Warp Server while other servers
in the network would host (or serve) applications such as databases or
transaction software. In addition, one or more servers would also
host (or serve) Windows NT for file/print and Win32 applications. With
the new version of OS/2 Warp Server, end users will be able to
access all servers, files, applications, and printers through a single
OS/2 Warp Server.
Universal Device Driver Compatibility
The next version of OS/2 Warp Server will also support the Intelligent
Input/Output Architecture Specification adopted by the I2O Special
Interest Group Membership. The specification defines a standard for
classes of device drivers such as SCSI, and LAN ethernet and
token rings. Enterprises can now be confident that as long as a device
driver supports the I2O specification, OS/2 Warp Server will
support that device driver. Compliance with this specification also
ensures that OS/2 Warp Server users will not have delays in
availability of I2O SCSI and LAN device drivers.
The Next Version Of OS/2 Warp Server
OS/2 Warp Server is a member of IBM's family of enterprise servers which
offer extraordinary scalability, reliability, and performance. In
addition to the feature and functionality found in today's OS/2 Warp
Server, the new release will offer customers out-of-box Year 2000 and
euro currency readiness. It will also include a high-performance
Journaling File System offering faster performance, improved scalability
and enhanced Web serving capabilities. The next version of OS/2 Warp
Server is planned for beta availability in late 1998 and general
availability in 1999.
IBM Software
IBM is the world's largest information technology company, with 80 years
of leadership in helping businesses innovate. IBM Software
offers the widest range of applications, middleware, and operating
systems for all types of computing platforms, allowing customers to
take full advantage of the new era of e-business. The fastest way to get
more information about IBM software is through the IBM Software
home page at More information on the OS/2
family of products is available at
*IBM and OS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business
Machines Corp. **Windows NT is a registered trademark of Microsoft
IBM considers a product Year 2000 ready if the product, when used in
accordance with its associated documentation, is capable of
correctly processing, providing, and/or receiving date data within and
between the 20th and 21st centuries, provided that all products (for
example, hardware, software, and firmware) used with the product
properly exchange accurate date data with it. We have updated the
specifications of our ready products that do not include a readiness
statement in the appropriate product specifications.
best regards
Tomasz Stelmaszczuk
IBM BESTeam TeamOS/2
Official OS/2 Ambassador Certified OS/2 Engineer
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