'Must-Have' Utlities List (3 May 98)

Autor: Gary C. Hammer (webmaster_at_musthave-.com)
Data: Sun 03 May 1998 - 18:48:37 MET DST

Hi All,

New or Updated app this posting are:

File Manager/2 File/Disk/Archive Manager
PMMail Internet EMail Client
WPTool INI And WPS Maintenance Tools

These and other apps along with screenshots, descriptions, and more are
available at the following:

OS/2 'Must-Have' Utilities Website


European FTP mirror site

You can get a list of apps with one line description by sending a message

to list_at_musthave.com

Thanks for your time!
Gary Hammer, Webmaster
OS/2 'Must-Have' Utilities

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