by Yamaha
- Phone:
- ??
- Fax:
- ??
- BBS:
- ??
- e-mail:
- ??
- Type:
- FM Synthesis (OPL2 & OPL3); Wavetable (OPL4)
- OS/2 Drivers:
- Available generically & included with many boards
- Drivers from:
- Boards using this chipset include:
- Numerous products, including SoundBlaster boards, many
Reveal boards, etc.
- Comments:
- These Yamaha chipsets provide basic support for
FM synthesis (OPL2, OPL3, and OPL4) and wavetable (OPL4) to many boards. OS/2
drivers usually aren't needed to access these chips; rather, other chipsets
interface between the OS and the OPL2/3/4 chips. The OPL3, in particular, is
extremely common in other products. There are apparently some new drivers to
allow access to these chips on boards that don't have more explicit OS/2
support. I've received one report of success from somebody using these
drivers in combination with OS/2's AD1848 drivers with a generic board.
Copyright © 1996, Rod Smith,
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