Autor: Piotr Trzcionkowski (Zmień
Data: Thu 20 Nov 1997 - 17:43:06 MET
17 Nov 1997 20:38:04 GMT, Adam Plaszczyca
<> napisał(a):
>>'>'Mam konkretne pytanie. Czy os/2 w jakikolwiek sposób wspiera Unikod
>>'>'lub czy są chociaż takie plany ?
>Czy unicod to DBCS?
Raczej nie. Sam Unikod jest 32bitowy. Implementacje dwubajtowe, i stąd
w pewnym kontekście czy innym nazewnictwie możnaby użyć właśnie
określenia DBCS.
Zacytuję co pisze o tym Borland w dokumentacji dotyczącej Windows95/nt
>The Windows operating system supports three types of character sets: Single-byte character sets,
>double-byte character sets, and the Unicode character set.
O tradycyjnych SBCS i DBCS
>With a single-byte character set (SBCS), a character string is a sequence of bytes, and each byte represents an
>individual character. The ANSI character set used by most Western versions of Windows is a single-byte character set.
>With a double-byte character set (DBCS), a character string is also a sequence of bytes, but unlike a single-byte character set,
>some characters are represented by one byte and others by two bytes. The first byte of a two byte character is called the
>lead byte. In general, the lower 128 characters of a double-byte character set map to the 7-bit ASCII character set,
>and lead bytes typically have ordinal values greater than or equal to 128. Double-byte character sets are widely used in Asia,
>where native character sets contain far more than 256 characters.
O Unikodzie
>The Unicode character set is fundamentally different from single- and double-byte character sets in that each character
>is represented as a word (two bytes). A character string in the Unicode character set is a sequence of words,
>not bytes. Unicode characters are also known as wide characters, and Unicode strings are often referred to as
>wide character strings. With 65536 possible values for each character, Unicode can represent all the world's
>characters in modern computer use, including technical symbols and special characters used in publishing.
>The first 256 characters of the Unicode character set map to the ANSI character set.
Mam nadzieję, że nie muszę tłumaczyć a jeśli kogoś interesują podstawy
czy znaczenie Unikodu (po polsku) to jest strona na Polskiej Stronie
Ogonkowej lub bezpośrednio
także w samym Unikodzie (proszę sprawdzić osowym netscapem bo nie mam
pod ręką a zapewne obsługuje i należałoby umieścić na stronie)
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