Autor: Gregorio Kus (
Data: Thu 06 Nov 1997 - 03:11:01 MET
On Mon, 3 Nov 1997 14:12:35 +0100 (CET), Leszek Gerwatowski wrote:
>On Mon, 3 Nov 1997, Krzysztof Murkowski wrote:
>> Spece, guru i bogowie OS/2. Zechcijcie pomoc mi w instalacji gdyz
>> nie moge przeskoczyc tego co opisuje ponizej. Jest to ciag dalszy
>> problemow, z ktorych czesc rozwiazalem dzieki tej grupie wiec licze,
>> ze moze znajda sie jakis sugestie.
>A moze sprobuje zainsalowac zgodnie z instrukcja instalacji z HDD?
>Dokladny opis jest na Warpowisku.
cytat z mailinglisty OS2-L
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 21:51:57 -0800
From: Matt Ion <soundy_at_MAIL.BC.ROGERS.WAVE.CA>
As noted, the standard OS/2 Remote Install procedure won't work with
this, but there are other options. I would think the easiest (ie. least
complicated) would be to use that DOS boot disk to access the CD-ROM,
copy the OS/2 install files (everything under \OS2IMAGE *except* DEBUG\)
to the local machine, and install them from there.
To do a hard-disk install, create a set of *floppy install* boot disks
from the diskette images on the Warp CD, and in the CONFIG.SYS on Disk 1,
add the path to the install files to the SYSINST1.EXE command line
-- /--------------------------------------------------------------------- Gregorio Kus
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