Autor: Manfred Vogt 63791Karlstein Germany (
Data: Sun 12 Oct 1997 - 17:50:55 MET DST
Hi is a non commercial organization who cares
about (100% pure) JAVA . Currently the focus is set to the MS JAVA
treatment and they are very angry about this .
There is a survey concerning JAVA with the question " prefered OS for
JAVA " . Since 3. October 1997 there is also an OS/2-option available !
This survey is for free and if you want to do something good for our OS
please join this survey and tell all your OS/2-using friends about it .
However , JAVA will come , the only question is , does it come for MS or
does it come for " the rest of the world " .
JAVA couldt be the last chance for OS/2 . More JAVA apps couldt cause
more OS/2 users (there are enough frustrated WIN95 users ) and more OS/2
users couldt cause more native OS/2 apps or preserve existing OS/2 apps
Since 3. October 1997 the absolute Majority of Windows in the survey is
shrinked from 57% to 51 % ! With your vote you can help that it loses
the majority . Please note that a lot of JAVA developers stand behind and the result of the survey couldt influence
their decision for what they will develope !
Note :
If you have allready joined the survey you can revote to change your
choice regarding OS from "other" or "no preference" to "OS/2" .
Important note :
If you use Netscape/2 you have to start it with additional parameter -3
for visite of .
Manfred Vogt
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