Autor: Andrzej J. Piotrowski (
Data: Sat 11 Oct 1997 - 13:49:30 MET DST
Z WarpCasta otryzmalem wiadomosc, ze IBM nie chce robic ViaVoice dla OS/2.
Prosili o wysylanie listow do IBMa w tej sprawie, no wiec wyslalem. Ponizej odpowiedz.
Wynika znie, ze im wiecej bedzie zadan (rzondani), tym wieksze prawdopodobienstwo,
ze to zrobia. Wiec slijcie do nich maile!
(Na adres:
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Dear Mr. Piotrowski,
Lou Gerstner has asked us to respond to your recent e-mail regarding IBM's
position on continued VoiceType support for OS/2.
IBM's strategies for OS/2 and speech are optimized for different customer
segments. With IBM's recently announced speech products, the Speech Business
Unit is aggressively driving speech into the consumer market. IBM is
committed to making speech an affordable and productive tool for a wide range
of home and small business users.
OS/2 is an ideal platform for medium to large size businesses interested in a
network computing solutions. IBM's OS/2 strategy is to assist our customers
in transitioning from a client server model to a network computing environment
with Java serving as the catalyst of this strategy. It is our intention to
design OS/2 as a premier platform for Java-based computing for our target
At this time it is not in our current development plan to provide OS/2 support
for the newly announced IBM ViaVoice Product; however, we are constantly
monitoring and evaluating all our customers needs and requirements. As customer
needs dictate, we will re-assess the need for future OS/2 support of ViaVoice.
Thank you for expressing your interest in our continued development of Speech
for OS/2. We are interested in receiving your comments and will take them
into consideration as we plan our future enhancements and releases to OS/2.
PSP, Customer Satisfaction Management
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