Data: Sat 12 Jul 1997 - 08:27:22 MET DST
This file will become the message body...
33-29 58 street
addressed, stamped envelope (sase).
all fiction: send brief synopsis, first chapter, and include a self-
all nonfiction: send brief synopsis, first chapter, sase.
and previously published writers. writers from around the world are
main office
please do not submit entire manuscript unless invited to do so.
poetry: send 3 poems, sase.
screenplays for tv & movies: send brief synopsis, first 20 pages,
short stories: brief synopsis, first 3 pages, sase.
tele: (718) 651-8145
the woodside international literary agency
we are the woodside international literary agency. we are seeking new
welcome. two of our offices are in new york and a third is in florida.
what to send and where to send it:
woodside, new york 11377
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