Data: Fri 27 Jun 1997 - 23:17:23 MET DST
We are accepting new and previously published writers for publication. We are a NEW
YORK based international literary agency with three offices: 2 in NEW YORK and
one in FLORIDA. Please follow guidelines for submission:
For all fiction, including screenplays for TV & Movies: Send us a brief synopsis, the
first chapter, and include a self-addressed, stamped envelope=S.A.S.E.
Short Stories: Send brief synopsis, 3 pages, S.A.S.E.
Poetry: Send 3 poems, S.A.S.E.
For all nonfiction: Send us a brief synopsis, the first chapter, and include a S.A.S.E.
Do not send complete manuscript unless invited.
33-29 58 Street>>>
Woodside, New York>>>>
zip: 11377>>>
Tel: 718-651-8145>>>>>
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