Autor: Gregorio Kus (
Data: Tue 04 Mar 1997 - 03:07:31 MET
mysle ze nie wszyscy sledza OS2-L na
wiec nie wiedza co sie przez ta mailingliste przetoczylo
przez ostatnie dni. W kazdym razie mail konkludujacy cala
historie moze zainteresowac kazdego uzytkownika OSa.
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 1997 07:39:59 -0700
From: Esther Schindler <esther_at_PRIMENET.COM>
"William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-777-8123" <wacker_at_IBM.NET> said: |A
little over a week ago, Esther asked for input on how IBM could help |the
OS/2 community regain confidence in its commitment to the OS/2 |product.
Lots of folks have been doing a great job, IMHO, of letting her |know
their thoughts on the subject. I, for one, hope they'll keep it up |until
she has a comprehensive list for IBM to consider.
Well, it's a few weeks back, now.
And the truth is... I have _plenty_ of material. I've also already
presented it to IBM. And, as I warned you, the entire meeting was under
nondisclosure so I can't tell you any of the details of the meeting.
(Well, I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill all the subscribers to
this list. That would be messy, not to mention expensive, since I can't
afford the airfare to Turkey just to wipe out Turgut.)
Here's some things I *can* tell you all, however.
The most important thing I can share is the degree to which IBM really is
committed... not just to OS/2 technically, but to making it a success.
Nothing measures that commitment better than the time and resources they
devoted to this meeting. Executives at the top level (of IBM as well as
anywhere else) usually have their time sliced up in half-hour
incremements; spending more than an hour with one of these guys means that
your situation is considered extemely important.
Donn Atkins spent all day Thursday with us. At any given time during the
day, at least five (and probably closer to ten) IBM managers (big cheeses)
were in the room. Friday was spent looking at the technical directions of
OS/2, as well as some time given to ISV relations.
I had compiled several fragments of the conversations here (I *told* you
to be concise! <grin>) as well as from other sources; each of those IBMers
were given a document that explained one viewpoint or another... not to
mention the disagreement on given issues, in the OS/2 community. This
enabled me to have credible quotes when necessary; for instance, my point
was stronger because I could quote Kurt Westerfeld saying how much better
the Windows-based Java development tools are.
So, while my mouth is taped shut regarding everything that was said, and
everything that is planned as a result (and believe me, there are LOTS of
action items!)... the best news I can give you is that they're really
devoted to solving the problems.
However: don't expect miracles. You won't see TV ads. Nobody is going to
buy OS/2 from PSP and take it off on their own. OS/2 isn't suddenly going
to be positioned as a home operating system, nor will the PC Company begin
preloads next week. I could have told you all that ahead of time... but I
know how people feel about the subject. Please... let's not rehash those
Instead, let's focus on what we _can_ do. I don't have the time for rants.
I am, however, always interested in specific solution-based advice that
can be accomplished on the budgets of mere mortals.
-- Esther Schindler
program chair, Phoenix OS/2 Society
co-sponsors of the OS/2 Marketplace conference
-- /----------------------------------------------------------------- Gregorio Kus ROMA, Italy Anonymous Mail Service -
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