> *************** ICCS second decade *******************
> * ICCS 2011
> * Eleventh International Conference on Computational Science
> * Tsukuba, Japan
> * June 1-3
> *
> * http://www.iccs-meeting.org
> *
> ******************************************************
> You are invited to submit a paper with unpublished original work
> for ICCS 2011, Tsukuba on June 1-3.
> You can submit to the main conference or one of the workshops.
> All accepted oral papers will appear in the proceedings.
> Please, see http://www.iccs-meeting.org/iccs2011 for more information,
> including our call for workshops.
> The theme for ICCS 2011 in Amsterdam is "The Ascent of Computational
> Excellence in the Land of the Rising Sun", to mark the continued
> progress in computational science theory and practice, leading to
> greatly improved applications in science. This conference will be a
> unique event focusing on recent developments in methods and modelling of
> complex systems for diverse areas of science, scalable scientific
> algorithms, advanced software tools, computational grids, advanced
> numerical methods, and novel application areas where the above novel
> models, algorithms and tools can be efficiently applied such as physical
> systems, computational and systems biology, environmental systems,
> finance, and others. We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting
> event!
> The ICCS 2011 Proceedings will be published by Elsevier in the
> Procedia Computer Science open-access series. In addition selected
> papers will be published in various peer reviewed Journals.
> http://www.elsevierpublishingsolutions.com/procedia.asp
> Important dates:
> Paper submission opens September 15, 2010
> Workshop proposals before October 15, 2010
> Full papers submission January 8, 2011
> Notification of acceptance of papers February 20, 2011
> Camera ready papers March 7, 2011
> Early registration opens February 15, 2011
> Early registration closes March 31, 2011
> Conference Co-chairs Mitsuhisa Sato (University of Tsukuba)
> Satoshi Matsuoka (Tokyo Inst. of Technology)
> Workshop Chair Dick van Albada (University of Amsterdam)
> Scientific Chair Peter Sloot (University of Amsterdam)
> Scientific Co-chair Jack Dongarra (University of Tennessee)
> Organizing Committee Chair Kimihiko Hirao (Riken)
> Organizing Committee Vice Chair Taisuke Boku (University of Tsukuba)
> --
> We apologize for any cross postings. To remove yourself from our mailing
> list send a message to <listserv@nic.surfnet.nl> with as body
Received on Mon Oct 25 10:05:38 2010
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