> Conference Announcement and Call for Participation
> Dear Colleague,
> You are cordially invited to submit an abstract to the 11th Granada
> Seminar on "Foundations of Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics: from basic
> science to future challenges" (13-17 September 2010, La Herradura,
> Granada, Spain). This is organized by the Institute "Carlos I", University
> of Granada, and sponsored by the European Physical Society and others.
> You may find updated information concerning submission of abstracts,
> scholarships, lodging, program, etc. at http://ergodic.ugr.es/cp/.
> Scheduled participants already include Jurg Frohlich, Giovanni Gallavotti,
> Sheldon Goldstein, Jerry P. Gollub (TBC), William G. Hoover, David Jou,
> Joel Lebowitz, Stanislas Leibler, Fabio Marchesoni, Miguel A. Munoz, Sandu
> Popescu, Miguel Rubi and Udo Seifert. Other talks will be invited from
> submitted abstracts.
> Hoping to meet you at La Herradura next September,
> Sincerely Yours,
> Pedro L. Garrido, Joaquin Marro, Francisco de los Santos
> Institute "Carlos I" for Theoretical and Computational Physics
> University of Granada - 18071, Spain
> PS: Please pass the word! (We ask your indulgence if this is a mistake or
> duplication. You might like to reply with subject "REMOVE ME" to be
> removed from this list).
Received on Wed Oct 20 09:12:30 2010
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