> /*****************************************************************
> * Microbeam Analysis Society *
> * presents *
> * Microanalysis of Particles 2009 *
> * Topical Conference *
> * *
> * 20-23 April 2009 *
> * Westmont, IL *
> *****************************************************************/
> Download the full program:
> http://www.microbeamanalysis.org/meetings/topical/Particles2009/Program.pdf
> Register for the meeting: (by 1-Mar-2009)
> http://www.microbeamanalysis.org/meetings/topical/Particles2009/registration.htm
> Synopsis:
> Particles represent a microanalytical challenge. Whether
> your particles are desired or undesired, natural or man-made,
> nano-, micro- or milli-scaled, no one technique is optimal
> for determining all the important physical properties.
> A knowledgable analyst must understand the strengths and
> weaknesses of each available technique. This conference is
> designed to provide just such an understanding for microbeam
> techniques including EDS, WDS, AEM, SIMS, XRD, synchrotron
> XRF and numerical simulation. The target audience includes
> scientists in industry, government, academia and commercial
> laboratories. The speakers will provide enough background for
> a motivated novice but will aim the majority of the content
> at practitioners who wish to learn new techniques and to pick
> up advanced skills.
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Received on Thu Feb 26 08:05:33 2009
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