> EURO-PAR 2009. Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
> August 25-28, 2009
> Call for papers for TOPIC 10 - Parallel Numerical Algorithms
> Fast and robust parallel or distributed algorithms for core numerical
> tasks
> and their efficient implementation in easy-to-use portable software
> components are crucial for computational science and engineering
> applications. The sessions of this topic will provide a forum for the
> presentation and disscussion of new developments in field of parallel and
> distributed numerical algorithms. All aspects of their design and
> implementation will be addressed, ranging from fundamental algorithmic
> concepts via their efficient implementation on modern parallel or
> distributed
> architectures (including multi-core systems, clusters, or the grid), to
> software design and prototyping in scientific computing or simulation
> software environments and performance analysis. Contributions dealing with
> algorithms and software for problems in all of these areas are welcome.
> Important Dates: January 24 abstracts due. January 31, full papers due.
> May 2, Decision notification. May 25, Camera-ready full papers and author
> registration due
> Authors are invited to submit full papers (10 pages, Springer LNCS
> style) to this topic. Full submission guidelines are available on the
> conference website: http://europar2009.ewi.tudelft.nl/.
> All accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings
> in the Springer LNCS series.
> Peter Arbenz, global chair, ETH Zurich. Pasqua D'Ambra, vice chair,
> ICAR-CNR Naples. Patrick Amestoy, vice chair, INPT-ENSEEIHT Toulouse.
> Martin Gijzen, local chair, Delft University of Technology.
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