Composite Materials Design, Testing & Fabrication Seminar
Seminars For Engineers presents:
Composite Materials Design, Testing & Fabrication Seminar
Seminar Date / Location: Oct. 9-10, 2008 /Miami, OH USA
(same week and city as the IBEX Boatbuilders Show!)
Instructor: Dr. Scott Beckwith; President, BTG Composites
For Full Details and to Register:
Contact: 1.877.755.2272; 1.973.560.9092;
*Register Before Sept. 19th, 2008; SAVE $100
Ask about our group discounts (2 or more attendees from same co.)
About the Seminar:
This two day seminar covers such topics as primary resin and fiber reinforcement construction materials, general composites design methodologies, traditional fabrication techniques, advanced manufacturing technologies, sandwich core and foam design, composites test and inspection methods, and failure criteria. Though theory is included, the course emphasizes practical design considerations for selecting materials in order to optimize design and application performance. Design for manufacturability, economic practicality and weight considerations as important tradeoffs are also addressed.
Featured topics:
a.. Types of resins and fiber reinforcements that are available
b.. Cost and performance tradeoffs with various material options
c.. Critical design aspects of composites vs. metals
d.. Current fabrication processes (filament winding, fiber placement, pultrusion, resin infusion, vacuum bagging, etc.)
e.. The limits of fabrication methods used today
f.. Traditional test methods (ASTM, SACMA, ISO, SAE, etc.)
g.. NDT/NDI methods, their applicability and limits
h.. What failure criteria works best in different applications
For Full Details and to Register:;
call 1.877.755.2272 (USA) or 1.560.9092.5092;
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