> Dear colleagues
> Registration is now open for the 3d International Workshop on
> Piezoresponse Force Microscopy, to be held at Center for Nanophase
> Materials Sciences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN, on September
> 22-24. The registration information is available at www.cnms.ornl.gov.
> The materials of the previous two workshops at ORNL and EPFL
> (lectures, photoes, and agenda) are available on the CNMS Functional
> Imaging group website at imaging.ornl.gov, in the section "Knowledge Base"
> Several postdoctoral positions in dynamic SPM, PFM, and oxide growth
> are announced in the "Positions" section. Please contact Sergei Kalinin
> (sergei2@ornl.gov) for details regarding positions and the workshop.
> Yours
> Sergei V. Kalinin
Received on Mon Aug 18 11:11:05 2008
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