> =====================================================================
> Interdisciplinary PhD Studentship in Computer
> Science and Engineering
> Departments of Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering,
> University of Bath, UK
> =====================================================================
> Applications are invited for a PhD studentship to research issues at
> the crossover between service-oriented architectures and engineering
> design.
> The aim of the project is to contribute to the creation of a
> multi-fidelity multi-disciplinary optimisation environment for
> aircraft design. The focus of the work will depend on the background
> of the successful candidate, but will involve application of agents,
> semantic web technology, adaptation of e-Science technology and
> development of tools to support multi-disciplinary optimisation, with
> application to aerospace engineering to enable the exploration of, for
> example, structural and aero-elasticity design requirements.
> The successful applicant will have, or be expecting, a First Class
> Honours Degree (or equivalent) in computer science or
> aerospace/mechanical engineering or applied mathematics. He/she will
> demonstrate competence in programming and numerical methods. In
> addition, he/she must offer excellent communication and team working
> skills suitable for the interdisciplinary project.
> Tuition fees and stipend of £12940/year (tax-free) are covered by the
> studentship, funded by the University of Bath in the context the EPSRC
> “Bridging the Gaps between Mathematics, ICT and Engineering”
> initiative, exploring creativity in interdisciplinary approaches to
> research. Award restrictions limit availability to candidates who
> satisfy the criteria for UK/EU fees. The studentship is for 3 years
> and must start on 1st October 2008.
> Suitable candidates are invited to complete the downloadable PhD
> application form available at http://www.bath.ac.uk/grad-office/. To
> speed application processing, please ensure that a copy is also sent
> to PG admissions in Computer Science (mdv@cs.bath.ac.uk).
> For informal enquiries and further details please contact Dr. H Alicia
> Kim (h.a.kim@bath.ac.uk or Dr. Julian Padget
> (j.a.padget@bath.ac.uk). The closing date for applications is 15th
> July 2008.
Received on Thu Jun 5 09:22:16 2008
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