| ALGORITMY 2009 |
| Conference on Scientific Computing |
| High Tatra Mountains, Podbanske, Slovakia |
| March 15-20, 2009 |
| www.math.sk/alg2009 |
Scientific programme committee:
E. Bänsch (Erlangen), M. Benes (Prague), G.Dziuk (Freiburg), M. Eiermann
(Freiberg), M. Feistauer (Prague), W.Jäger (Heidelberg), J.Kacur
(Bratislava), J.Komornik (Bratislava), K.Mikula (Bratislava), M. Rumpf
(Bonn), A.Sarti (Bologna), O.Scherzer (Innsbruck), J.A.Sethian (Berkeley),
D.Sevcovic (Bratislava), M.Tuma (Prague), M.Vajtersic (Salzburg)
ALGORITMY (Algorithms) represents the oldest Central-European series
of international high level scientific meetings devoted to applied
mathematics and numerical methods in computational sciences and engineering.
It has been traditionally organized in the High Tatra Mountains, Slovakia
(see e.g. http://www.math.sk/alg2005, http://www.math.sk/alg2002) by the
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava in cooperation with Comenius
University in Bratislava and Slovak and Czech Academy of Sciences.
Following this old tradition, the 18th ALGORITMY conference will be
devoted to computational methods, their analysis,
algorithmic realization and application
to real-world problems arising from, but not restricted to,
natural sciences, engineering, technology, medicine and finance.
The main topics of the ALGORITMY 2009 conference are
- computational fluid dynamics, heat transfer and porous media flow,
- nonlinear conservation laws,
- free boundary problems,
- inverse problems,
- image processing and computer vision,
- computer graphics and computational geometry,
- computational finance,
- computational biology and medicine,
- computational geosciences,
- high-scale and parallel computing,
- direct and iterative methods for large linear algebraic systems,
- preconditioning techniques,
- optimization and nonlinear algebraic problems,
- scientific visualization,
- software for scientific computations.
In solving the above mentioned real-world problems,
the main attention is given to a new development and advanced
applications of modern numerical methods as finite element,
finite volume and level set methods, applied on structured and
unstructured adaptive grids and accompanied by a fast and stable
solution of arising systems of equations.
Also this year we continue our fruitful cooperation with the series of
meetings "Computational Linear Algebra with Applications" which was held
last time in Harrachov, Czech Republic, in 2007 and has been organized by
Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
in Prague.
Plenary speakers and topics of their talks:
John W. Barrett (Imperial College, London, UK) - Parametric Approximation
of Geometric Evolution Equations
Daniel Cremers (University of Bonn, Germany) - Continuous and Discrete
Optimization in Computer Vision
Vit Dolejsi (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic) - Higher order
numerical methods for convection-diffusion problems with applications
in compressible flow simulations
Tissa H. Illangasekare (Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA) - Challenges
in modeling the behavior of multiphase fluids in heterogeneous porous media
Daniel Kressner (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland) - Krylov subspace methods for
matrix equations and beyond
John Lowengrub (University of California, Irvine, USA) - Computational
science of microstructure
Nadine Peyrieras (CNRS-DEPSN, Paris, France) - Phenomenological and
computational reconstruction of animal embryogenesis from in vivo 4D imaging
Georg Ch. Pflug (University of Vienna, Austria) - Computational risk
Helmut Pottmann (Vienna University of Technology, Austria) - Advances in
Computational Differential Geometry
Andy Wathen (Oxford University Computing Laboratory, UK) - Preconditioning
for PDE Optimization
The programme of the conference will consist of invited plenary lectures,
compact two-hours parallel sessions (with 4 talks)
on conference topics, contributed talks and a poster session.
You are invited to submit a conference session proposal,
deadline is June 30, 2008.
Peer-reviewed Proceedings of participants lectures and posters
will be published by Slovak University of Technology and will be at disposal
during the conference. You and your colleagues are invited to submit
an original contribution to this Proceedings.
The length of the paper should not exceed 10 pages,
the deadline is October 31, 2008.
Proceedings of plenary lectures supplemented by selected contributions of
participants will appear in a scientific journal.
The scientific programme will start on Monday, March 16th, 2009 at 9am
and end on Friday, March 20th, 2009, afternoon.
The accomodation will start on Sunday, March 15th (dinner) and end on
Friday, March 20th (lunch).
Social programme:
- conference dinner with traditional Slovak meals, wine, folk art and
music presentations,
- poster session with a beer tasting,
- skiing in the High Tatra Mountains,
- Permon's paradise - the highest quality wellness center located in the
conference hotel.
Regular conference fee (payment before January 25, 2009): 590 Euro
Fee for accompanying person: 350 Euro.
The conference fee (590 Euro) includes registration fee,
accommodation in a double room and full board for 5 days
in Hotel Permon(****), Podbanske, coffee breaks, poster session,
conference dinner and Proceedings of contributed lectures
and posters.
Additional fee for accommodation in a single room: 200 Euro.
All bank expenses must be covered by the remitter and may not
be deducted from the amount remitted.
The bank account for payment will be announced at the conference webpage.
All important dates as well as electronic registration for ALGORITMY 2009
will be available soon at http://www.math.sk/alg2009.
On behalf of the organizers and the scientific programme committee,
Sincerely Yours,
-- Karol Mikula Department of Mathematics Slovak University of Technology Radlinskeho 11 813 68 Bratislava SlovakiaReceived on Mon May 12 07:52:57 2008
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