> Call For Papers
> ---------------
> Data Mining with Constraints
> 1/2 a day Workshop co-located with KDD 2008, Las Vegas Nevada
> www.constrained-clustering.org/KDDWS.html
> The purpose of data mining is to find novel and actionable patterns in
> data. However, in many domains there already exists considerable domain
> knowledge and the chance of finding patterns consistent with and novel
> with respect to this knowledge is small unless the algorithm is informed
> of it. The area of data mining with constraints codifies domain expertise
> and knowledge in the form of constraints and modifies the aim of data
> mining to find patterns that satisfy these constraints.
> This idea has actively been explored in the context of association rules,
> clustering and classification, with many papers being published in
> machine learning and data mining conferences. Tutorials been given on the
> topic at ECML/PKDD 2002, IEEE ICDM 2005 and KDD 2006, and several
> workshops have been held on the topic of constraint-based mining and
> inductive databases (cMILE 2007, KDID 2002-2006) next to the ECML/PKDD
> conference.
> This workshop has two aims:
> 1) Bring together people in different areas of data mining that make use
> of constraints, including people from the constrained clustering and
> inductive databases/queries communities
> 2) Actively explore the foundations and future of the area.
> A dinner or lunch will be organized to continue the discussion after the
> workshop.
> We invite papers describing novel research dealing with the use of
> constraints in data mining and related areas of interest, including but
> not limited to
> . Association rule mining with constraints
> . Clustering with constraints
> . Inductive databases and queries
> . Learning distance metrics from constraints
> . Learning predictive models with constraints
> In particular, we encourage the submission of well written position
> papers,
> and thought-provoking papers that would stimulate a discussion on the
> future
> of the field.
> Submissions should be made in the KDD 2008 paper format to both PC-chairs.
> If you are considering submitting to the workshop and need further
> information, please do not hesitate to contact the PC chairs.
> Key Dates:
> Submission: 05/27/08
> Acceptance: 06/16/08
> Camera Ready Copies: 06/20/08
> Workshop Date: 08/24/08
> PC Chairs - Ian Davidson (davidson@cs.ucdavis.edu
> <https://webmail.cs.ucdavis.edu/src/compose.php?send_to=davidson%40cs.ucdavis.edu>)
> and
> Saso Dzeroski (Saso.Dzeroski@ijs.si
> <https://webmail.cs.ucdavis.edu/src/compose.php?send_to=Saso.Dzeroski%40ijs.si>)
> Please go to www.constrained-clustering.org/KDDWS.html for details.
Received on Tue Apr 29 10:11:54 2008
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