> Apologies for multiple postings.
> The final deadline for applications is fast approaching (1 May 2008)!!
> Please forward this to your PhDs and Postdocs who may be eligible for
> full funding to attend the 2008 Marie Curie Summer School on Aqueous and
> Porous Materials at Trest, Czech Republic from the 19th to 29th of
> August 2008.
> Full eligibility and registration details may be found at
> http://www.materialsknowledge.org
> This is the fourth and final in a series of Marie Curie funded summer
> schools on multidisciplinary materials science, and speakers and topics
> include:
> Prof. John Banhart, (Hahn-Meitner- Institut, Berlin) Metallic foams
> Dr. Richard Weinkamer (Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in
> Potsdam) Bone and wood as hierarchical materials: structure-property
> relationships
> Prof. Franti¨ek Vyskocil (Charles University, Prague) Selective Pores in
> Cell membrane (Ion channels), are regulated by physical and chemical
> impulses
> Dr. Philippe Ackerer (IMFS, Strasbourg) Flow and Transport in natural
> porous media
> Dr. Anita Roth (University of Tuebingen) - The principles of plant water
> transport - Interrelationships between wood structure and function
> Dr. Peter Lichtner , (Los Alamos National Lab.) - Reactive Transport in
> Porous Media from Pore to Continuum Scales
> Prof. Giuseppe Fallini : (University of Bologna) Biomineralization
> Prof. François Renard (LGCA Grenoble - PGP Oslo) Dissolution-precipitation
> processes driven by stress gradients in the Earth's crust
> Prof. Wolfgang Brameshuber (RWTH, Aachen) Concrete - an example for a
> complex porosity
> --
> Mark Jessell
> 14 avenue Edouard Belin
> 31400 TOULOUSE
> Tel: +33 (0)5 61 33 26 47
> www.lmtg.obs-mip.fr/user/mjessell (home)
> www.tectask.org (IUGS Tectask)
> www.materialsknowledge.org (Marie Curie Summer Schools)
Received on Wed Apr 16 13:02:24 2008
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