> ICEMS Instituto de Cięncia e Engenharia de Materiais e Superfícies of
> Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon
> (www.icems.ist.utl.pt <http://www.icems.ist.utl.pt> ) has a free
> researcher
> position in characterisation of thin films and surfaces by cross-sectional
> transmission electron microscopy. The contract offered will have duration
> of
> up to 5 years, renewed yearly on mutual agreement.
> The candidates must have a PhD degree in materials science, physics or a
> related field and more than 2 years of research experience after the PhD
> and
> 3 years experience operating a TEM. The candidate must be experienced in
> the
> characterisation of materials and thin films by transmission electron
> microscopy/cross-sectional TEM. Experience in TEM sample preparation for
> cross-sectional TEM analysis of thin films is desirable as well as the
> ability to use other materials characterization techniques such as
> SEM/EBSD/EDS and Auger electron spectroscopy.
> The researcher should be willing to work as part of a large team, but is
> also expected to conduct independent research and generate and manage his
> own projects. The candidate must provide guidance in TEM to other team
> members and PhD students.
> The applicants must submit the following documents for appreciation:
> Curriculum Vitae
> Letter of Intent
> References
> Contact:
> Prof. Rui Vilar
> Instituto Superior Técnico
> Av. Rovisco Pais
> 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
> Tel: +351-218418121
> fax: +351-218418120
> Email: rui.vilar@ist.utl.pt
Received on Wed Feb 27 07:29:19 2008
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