ICCS 2008 - Second call for papers (fwd)

Autor: Krzysztof Hübner <hubner_at_iod.krakow.pl>
Data: Mon 10 Dec 2007 - 09:19:47 MET
Message-ID: <000f01c83b05$6e25b7a0$041d9c95@kh002007>
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* ICCS 2008
* Eighth International Conference on Computational Science
* Kraków, POLAND
* June 23-25, 2008
* http://www.iccs-meeting.org/iccs2008

You are invited to submit a paper with unpublished original work
for ICCS 2008, Kraków, Poland, June 23-25, 2008.
You can submit to the main conference or one of the workshops.
All accepted papers will appear in the proceedings.

Please, see http://www.iccs-meeting.org/iccs2008/ for more information.

ICCS 2008 is the eighth in the series of highly successful conferences.

The theme for ICCS 2008, "Advancing Science through Computation",
marks the continued progress in computational science theory and
practice, leading to greatly improved applications in science.
This conference will be a unique event focusing on recent
developments in novel methods and modelling of complex systems
for diverse areas of science, scalable scientific algorithms,
advanced software tools, computational grids, advanced numerical
methods, and novel application areas where the above novel models,
algorithms and tools can be efficiently applied such as physical
systems, computational and systems biology, environmental systems,
finance, and others.
We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting event!

The ICCS 2008 Proceedings will be published in Springer
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.

Important dates:

Full papers submission January 7, 2008
Notification of acceptance of papers March 1, 2008
Camera ready papers March 15, 2008
Early registration opens March 1, 2008
Early registration closes March 30, 2008

Conference Chair Marian Bubak
Workshop Chair Dick van Albada
Overall Scientific Co-chair Jack Dongarra
Overall Scientific Chair Peter Sloot

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Received on Mon Dec 10 09:34:42 2007

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