The new deadline for submission is November 2, 2007.
Call for Papers:
7th International Heinz Nixdorf Symposium: Self-Optimizing Mechatronic Systems: Design the Future
Mechatronics and Self-optimization
The integration of mechanical engineering and information technology and computer science results in extensive potentials.
The integration of these disciplines is expressed by the term "mechatronics". This term refers to the symbiotic cooperation of mechanics, electronics, control engineering and software technology, in order to improve the behavior of a technical system.
Future technical systems encompass subsystems with inherent partial intelligence due to integrated micro processors. The behavior of the complete system will be characterized by communication and cooperation of intelligent subsystems. From the computer science point of view it is a distributed system of cooperating agents. This establishes fascinating possibilities for the design of technical products of tomorrow. The term Self-optimization characterizes this perspective.
The topics of interest for the 7th International Heinz Nixdorf Symposium the following computer science related topics include:
* Adaptive Control and Self-Optimization
* Multi-Objective Optimization and Optimization under Consideration of Uncertainty
* New Technologies in Domain Spanning Desing (Integration of Mechanical, Electrical and Software Design)
* Intelligent Agents in Engineering Applications
* Safety and Dependability
* Test and Verfication of embedded Systems
* Real Time Operating and Communication Systems
* Reconfigurable Hardware
* Systems with Self-X properties such as Self-Healing, Self-Optimization, Self-Coordination, Self-Organisation, etc.
* Prevention of Product Piracy
Paper Submission:
Details about the Full Paper submission will be available on .
Nov 2, 2007: submission deadline
Nov 23, 2007: acceptance notification
Dec 17, 2007: final paper deadline
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Gausemeier
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Franz-J. Rammig
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wilhelm Schäfer
Program Committee
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. A. Albers, Universität Karlsruhe Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Anderl, TU Darmstadt Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. h.c. T. Bertram, Universität Dortmund Dr.-Ing. T. Börnchen, Alfons Haar Maschinenbau GmbH Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. M. Broy, TU München Prof. Dr. ir. H. v. Brussel, Katholische Universität Leuven Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Dudziak, FH Bochum Prof. Dr.-Ing. K. Feldmann, Universität Erlangen Dr.-Ing. M. Hahn, iXtronics GmbH Prof. K. Kim, PhD, University of California at Irvine Prof. Dr. H. Kopetz, TU Wien Prof. Dr. I. H. Krüger, University of California at San Diego Dr.-Ing. R. Lachmayer Prof. Dr.-Ing. U. Lindemann, TU München Dipl.-Ing. E. Mertens, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe PD Dr.-Ing. S. Möhringer, Möhringer Anlagenbau GmbH Prof. Dr. C. Pereira, Universität Porto Alegre, Brasilien Prof. Dr.-Ing. U. Rückert, Universität Paderborn Prof. Dr. R. Scheidl, Universität Linz Dr. H.-P. Schöner, DaimlerChrysler AG Dr.-Ing. J. Schuller, Audi AG Prof. Dr. T. Tamai, University of Tokyo, Japan Prof. M. Tomizuka, PhD, University of California at Berkeley Prof. Dr.-Ing. E. G. Welp, Ruhr-Universität Bochum Prof. W. Wolf, PhD, Princeton University
Dipl.-Inf.Sebastian Pook
Heinz Nixdorf Institut, University of Paderborn
Phone: +49 (0) 5251/60 62 61
Fax : +49 (0)5251/60 62 68
Dipl.-Wirt.Inf. Benjamin Klöpper
Heinz Nixdorf Institut, University of Paderborn
Phone: +49 (0) 5251/60 62 61
Fax : +49 (0)5251/60 62 68
Received on Mon Oct 15 07:43:25 2007
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