The 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems provides a leading international forum for the dissemination of original results in the design, implementation, and evaluation of intelligent tutoring systems and related areas. The conference will draw researchers from a broad spectrum of disciplines ranging from artificial intelligence and cognitive sciences to pedagogy and educational psychology.
The conference explores the real world impact of intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) on an increasingly global scale. Improved authoring tools and learning object standards enable fielding systems and curricula in real world settings on an unprecedented scale. Researchers deploy ITSs in ever larger studies, and increasingly use data from real students, tasks, and settings to guide new research. With high volumes of student interaction data, data mining and machine learning, tutoring systems can learn from experience and improve their teaching performance. Increasing number of realistic evaluation studies also broaden researchers' knowledge about the educational contexts for which ITSs are best suited. At the same time, researchers explore how to expand and improve student-tutor communication, for example, how to achieve more flexible and responsive discourse with students, help students integrate Web resources into learning, use mobile technologies and games to enhance student motivation and learning, and address multicultural perspectives.
ITS'2008 will be supported by a strong international program committee that will ensure full and effective refereeing of all submitted papers.
Important deadlines:
January 18, 2008 - Paper & Poster submission
January 18, 2008 - Workshop & tutorial proposal submission
March 20, 2008 - Notification of acceptance
April 6, 2008 - Copyright form submission
April 6, 2008 - Final camera-ready manuscript
April 16, 2008 - Author registration deadline
April 20 to May 8 - Workshop, Demonstration and tutorial submission
Conferences date/place:
June 23-27, 2008 - Montreal, Canada
Areas of Interest
Original papers related to the design, implementation and evaluation of intelligent tutoring systems are solicited. Topics include, but are not limited to, the followings:
- Adaptive Hypermedia
- Evaluation of Instructional Systems
- Learning Environments
- Affect and Models of Emotion
- Human Factors and Interface Design
- Machine Learning in ITS
- Agent-based Tutoring Systems
- Instructional Design
- Narratives in Learning
- Natural Language and Discourse
- Architectures
- Instructor Networking
- Pedagogical Agent
- Assessment
- Intelligent Agents
- Pedagogical Planning
- Authoring Systems
- Intelligent Web-Based Learning
- Situated Learning
- Case-Based Reasoning Systems
- Intelligent Multimedia Systems
- Speech and Dialogue Systems
- Cognitive Modeling
- Internet Environments
- Student Modeling
- Collaborative Learning
- Knowledge Acquisition
- Virtual Reality
- Digital Learning Games
- Knowledge Construction
- Web-based Training Systems
- Distributed Learning Environments
- Knowledge Representation
- Wireless and Mobile Learning
- Electronic Commerce and Learning
- Learning Companions
Susanne Lajoie (co-chair), McGill, Canada - Roger Nkambou (co-chair), University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada -
Conference website:
Proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer Verlag in its Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.
Received on Wed Aug 29 07:44:58 2007
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