Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven (Belgium)
We are currently recruiting for a full-time Doctoral Position to join a new
research group
on the management, retrieval and mining of data and content at K.U. Leuven.
The candidate will work with Prof. Bettina Berendt (,
playing a key role in projects and field-building activities.
Further research context is given by the Hypermedia and Databases Group
which we will be extending.
The context of the envisaged PhD project is to supplant the currently
dominating approaches
to protecting privacy (legal, technological, and market-oriented), which
have so far failed
to solve the problem, by a technology-based approach to learning and
teaching privacy
literacy as an essential component of information literacy. The approach
will integrate
state-of-the-art techniques from knowledge discovery from data distributed
over Web and
other ubiquitous environments.
The aim of the project is to design and create tools for privacy-literacy
and to deploy and test them in real environments (the Web, especially Web
2.0 platforms,
ubiquitous environments).
The closing date for receiving statements of interest is 15 Aug 2007; for
receiving final
applications the closing date is 31 August 2007.
We are inviting applications from persons holding a degree, or expecting to
finish their
degree by this autumn, in Computer Science or a related field. The project
requires good
knowledge and skills in databases, knowledge discovery (in particular, Web
mining), and
user interfaces. The candidate should have a firm foundation in at least one
of these areas
and demonstrate the willingness to learn about the others. In addition, the
nature of this project requires that the candidate has the system-oriented
and application-oriented
view of Information Systems Science, and that s/he has, or is willing to
acquire, the necessary
knowledge from Psychology and Educational Science. Hands-on experience with
installing, using
and extending/building research-oriented software tools and platforms is
Ideally, the candidate should have experience in interdisciplinary research
and the ability to
communicate research results in international and interdisciplinary
Position and application details
We are offering a four-year full-time position working towards a PhD degree
at the Department
of Computer Science at the Faculty of Engineering at K.U. Leuven, one of the
oldest and highly
renowned universities in Europe (
Leuven is located close to Brussels, in the Flemish part of Belgium. The
position involves
research and teaching activities.
Please contact Bettina Berendt ( with a short and
expressive statement
of interest and CV, before proceeding to application formalities, and by
August 15.
(The formal details can be found at
Received on Tue Jul 10 07:54:52 2007
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