[DUNE-07 Call for Papers]
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The 1st Workshop on Data Mining of Uncertain Data (DUNE 2007)
Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society
October 28, 2007
Embassy Suites Hotel, Omaha, NE, USA
to be held in conjunction with the
7th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2007)
Papers Due: Friday June 22nd, 2007
Recently, there is a variety of emerging database applications
like location-based services, sensor networks, biological and
biometric databases. The vast amount of information generated
by these applications can be valuable for data mining purposes.
However, these data are often inherently associated with
uncertainty like measurement imperfection, sampling error and
network latency. These kinds of uncertainty have to be handled
carefully, or else the mining results could be inaccurate or
even incorrect.
The goal of the 1st workshop on Data mining of UNcErtain data
(DUNE 2007) is to investigate how classical mining models
and algorithms can be adapted to deal with uncertain data.
We would also like to explore new data
mining algorithms that can provide statistical and probabilistic
guarantees over data impreciseness. Another open issue is to
investigate how data mining algorithms can be beneficial from
recent results in the database community, including modeling,
indexing, and efficient evaluation of uncertain data.
Topics of Interest
Issues related to the mining issues of uncertain data are of
interest. These include, but are not limited to:
* Working models of uncertain data for mining purposes;
* Mining probabilistic databases;
* Mining spatially- and temporally- uncertain data;
* Mining moving-object trajectories;
* Mining biological data with noises;
* Indexing techniques of uncertain data;
* Scalable evaluation of probabilistic queries;
* Data cleansing and error reduction;
* Identification and similarity matching of uncertain objects;
* Distance between uncertain objects; and
* Mining streams of uncertain data.
High quality research papers in the relevant areas are solicited.
Original papers exploring new directions will receive especially
careful consideration. Papers that have already been accepted or
are currently under review for other conferences or journals will
not be considered for DUNE'07. Paper submissions should be limited
to a maximum of 6 pages in the IEEE 2-column format, the same as
the camera-ready format (please see the IEEE Computer Society
Press Proceedings Author Guidelines at
All papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis
of technical quality, relevance to data mining, originality,
significance, and clarity. From this year, a double blind review
process will be adopted. Authors must hence not use identifying
information in the text of the paper and bibliographies must be
referenced to preserve anonymity. Please use the Submission Form
on the ICDM '07 website to submit your paper. All accepted
workshop papers will be included in a proceeding published by the
IEEE Computer Society Press.
All paper submissions will be handled electronically. Please submit
the paper online at
For any questions, please email to: dmu07@comp.polyu.edu.hk.
Important Dates
Paper Submission Due: June 22, 2007
Acceptance Notification: August 1, 2007
Camera Ready: August 17, 2007
Workshop Organization
Program Chairs
Reynold Cheng
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Email: csckcheng@comp.polyu.edu.hk
Jiong Yang
Case Western Reserve University
Email: jiong.yang@case.edu
* Program Committee
- Michael Chau (The University of Hong Kong)
- Lei Chen (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
- Mehmet M. Dalkilic (Indiana University)
- Nilesh Dalvi (University of Washington)
- Mohamed Elfeky (Googles Inc.)
- Ada Fu (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Robert Gwadera (Helsinki University of Technology)
- Edward Hung (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
- Dmitri V. Kalashnikov (University of California, Irvine)
- Murat Kantarcioglu (UT Dallas)
- Sun Kim (Indiana University)
- Carson K. Leung (University of British Columbia)
- Nikos Mamoulis (The University of Hong Kong)
- Jennifer Neville (Purdue University)
- Sunil Prabhakar (Purdue University)
- Yufei Tao (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Jaideep Vaidya (Rutgers University)
- Kevin Yip (Yale University)
- Man Lung Yiu (Aalborg University)
- Donghui Zhang (Northeastern University)
For any questions, please email to: dmu07@comp.polyu.edu.hk
Received on Mon Jun 18 08:33:52 2007
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