Call For Papers
AusDM 2007
The Australasian Data Mining Conference
Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th December 2007
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
Conference Website:
Co-located with the 20th
Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI07)
Submissions due: Tuesday 31st July 2007
Data mining, the art and science of intelligent analysis of (usually
large) data sets for meaningful (and previously unknown) insights, is
now being actively applied in industries including Financial Services,
Government, Insurance, Telecommunications, Retail and Distribution,
Transportation, and Utilities. A popular application of data mining
across industries is customer analytics, where the goal is to
understand customers and better service those customers, whether this
is through marketing, stock management, or fraud discovery.
The Australasian Data Mining Conference has established itself as the
premier Australasian meeting for both practitioners and researchers
in data mining. AusDM02, AusDM03, AusDM04, AusDM05 and AusDM06 have
showcased research in data mining, providing a forum for presenting
and discussing the latest research and developments. A book (Data
Mining: Theory, Methodology, Techniques, and Applications, LNCS 3755 /
2006) has been published by Springer in their State-of-the-Art Lecture
Notes in Computer Science series, based on research papers from the
recent conferences.
This years' conference, AusDM07, builds on this tradition of
facilitating the cross-disciplinary exchange of ideas, experience and
potential research directions, to also explicitly cover advances in
the practise of data mining through:
* A Showcase of the Best Industry Case Studies - a special session
for industry case studies;
* A Showcase of Research Prototypes - a special session for
demonstration of "state-of-the-art" prototypes of data mining
and analytics technology;
* An Express Overview of the "State-of-the-art" to Come - a
special session for very brief (10 minute) overviews on current
research, applications, products.
* A Showcase of Practical Analytics Technology - a series of
practical tutorials on a range of data mining techniques with a
broad range of data mining tools, delivered by experts in the
* A Showcase of Research Student Projects - a special session for
PhD and masters students presenting their current research, and to
discuss their projects with and the wider data mining community.
This years' conference will be a meeting place for pushing forward the
frontiers of data mining in industry and academia.
We are calling for papers, both research and applications, and from
both academia and industry, for presentation at the conference. All
papers will go through double-blind, peer-review by a panel of
international experts. Accepted papers will be published in Volume 70
(Data Mining and Analytics 2007) of the Conferences in Research and
Practice in Information Technology (CRPIT) series by the Australian
Computer Society and will also be distributed at the conference. For
more details on CRPIT please see:
Selected papers will then be further revised and extended, for
publication in a collected volume.
Please note that we require that at least one author for each accepted
paper will register for the conference and present their work.
The major topics of the conference include but are not limited to:
* Implementations of Data Mining in Industry
* Evaluation of Results and their Communication
* Infrastructure for Data Mining
* Computational Aspects of Data Mining
* Integrating Domain Knowledge
* Data Preparation, Cleaning and Preprocessing
* Data Integration, Matching and Linkage
* Variable Selection and Generation
* Professional Challenges in Data Mining
* Data mining education
* Visual Analytics
* Embedded Data Mining Technologies
* Applications and Case Studies - Lessons and Experiences
* New Data Mining algorithms
* New Directions in Data Mining:
o Text Mining in Science and Business
o Multimedia Data Mining
o Web Mining
o Link, Graph, Network and Process Mining
o Mining semistructured data
o Spatial and Temporal Data Mining
o Biomedical data mining
o Privacy-preserving Data Mining
o Health Data Mining
o Financial Data Mining
o Mining data from e-Business sites, Blogs and Virtual
o Data mining for Qualitative Research
o Data mining techniques in Security and Surveillance.
We encourage submissions of `greenhouse' work (research in progress),
which might present early stages of cutting-edge research and
development. Software demonstrations and submissions are also welcome.
We are creating a repository of software as a freely available
service. The format of the conference will accommodate full paper
presentations and short presentations about a work in progress,
overview of a data mining group or software demonstration.
The length of the submissions is not restricted. We encourage
submissions of up to 8-12 pages. We will use a double-blinded review
process, i.e. paper submissions must NOT include authors names or
affiliations (and also not acknowledgements referring to funding
bodies). Self-citing references should also be removed from the
submitted papers (they can be added on after the review) for the
double blind reviewing purpose.
Paper submission are required to follow the general format specified
for papers in the CRPIT series by the Australian Computer Society.
Details are available from:
LaTeX styles and Word templates may be found on this site. LaTeX is
the suggested typesetter.
The electronic submissions should be in PDF and made through the
AusDM07 Submission Page, which will be made available at:
Submission deadline: Tuesday 31st July 2007
Notification: Tuesday 11th September 2007
Camera ready copy: Tuesday 25th September 2007
Conference: 3rd and 4th December 2007
Simeon J Simoff, University of Technology, Sydney
Graham J Williams, Australian Taxation Office, Canberra
Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Griffith University, Logan (QLD)
Peter Christen, The Australian National University, Canberra
Paul Kennedy, University of Technology, Sydney
Jiuyong (John) Li, University of South Australia, Adelaide
Richi Nayak, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane
Longbing Cao, University of Technology, Sydney
Warwick Graco, Australian Taxation Office, Canberra
Eugene Dubossarsky, Ernst-Young, Sydney
John Galloway, NetMap Analytics, Sydney
Inna Kolyshkina, Westpac Banking Corporation, Sydney
-- Paul Kennedy - - Room CB10.04.549 - ph 61 2 9514 1875 Dep't of Software Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology, University of Technology, Sydney. PO Box 123 Broadway NSW 2007 Australia. CRICOS Provider Code 00099FReceived on Thu Jun 14 14:26:33 2007
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