> Have your voice heard among your peers and experts in nanotechnology!
> Seeing at the Nanoscale, the fifth annual scientific conference focusing
on nanostructural imaging, characterization, and modification using scanning
probe microscopy (SPM) and related techniques, is now accepting papers for
presentation consideration.
> The conference location is Santa Barbara, California, June 24-27, 2007.
Sponsored by Veeco Instruments and the California NanoSystems Institute
(CNSI) at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), this
two-and-one-half day event includes technical presentations, a
nanotechnology poster contest, and a beach barbecue-Santa Barbara style.
> Highlighted by Keynote speakers Angela Belcher and David Awschalom, Seeing
at the Nanoscale provides an optimum forum for "scientists to speak to
scientists" on a wide variety of nanotechnology topics with technical
sessions on:
> Extending the Limits of SPM
> Using AFM and Combined AFM-Optical Techniques to Probe Biological
Structures and Forces
> Next Generation Materials and Polymer Systems
> Beyond Topography: Measurement of Physical Properties at the Nanoscale --
Nanomechanical, Local Property, Electrical, Optical, Magnetic & Thermal
> Instruments and Probes -- New Tools & Techniques for Nanoscience
> To submit your abstract, review submission guidelines, and learn more
about the conference, visit www.veeco.com/nanoconference
> Take part as a presenter in the industry's most dynamic conference!
> _________________________________
> Marlene Carlyle
> Veeco Instruments
> 112 Robin Hill Road
> Santa Barbara, CA 93117
> Phone: 805-967-1400 Fax: 805-967-7717
> mcarlyle@veeco.com
> _________________________________
Received on Tue Nov 28 08:04:08 2006
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