Fw: [computational.science] CALL for Nomination: GAMM Richard von Mises Prize 2007

Autor: Hubner Krzysztof <hubner_at_iod.krakow.pl>
Data: Fri 20 Oct 2006 - 10:56:59 MET DST
Message-ID: <000c01c6f425$b46b3550$041d9c95@kh0071>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

> Call for nominations for the Richard-von-Mises-Preises
> of the Interantional Association of Applied Mathematics
> and Mechanics (GAMM) 2007
> _____________________________________________________________
> Since 1989 the Richard-von-Mises Prize is awarded every year
> by GAMM to a scientist for exceptional scientific achievements
> in the field of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics.
> (for more information see
> http://www.gamm-ev.de/english/Gamm_eng/gamm.htm)
> Traditionally GAMM will present the prize during the opening
> ceremony of the GAMM Annual Meeting. In the year 2007 the
> Annual Meeting is an embedded meeting of the congress ICIAM07
> to be held in Zurich, July 16-20, 2007. For this reason the
> prize ceremony will be late afternoon of the opening day.
> The recipient will present his or her achievements as an
> invited lecture during the meeting.
> The aim of the prize is to reward and encourage young scientists
> whose research represents a major advancement in the field of
> applied mathematics and mechanics.
> The winner should not be older than 36 years except if he or she
> has a broken career.
> Nominations can be made by university professors or academic
> persons in similar positions. Self nomination is accepted.
> Nominations should contain a justification letter by the
> nominating persons and the following material concerning the
> nominee:
> - curriculum vitae
> - list of publications
> - copies of the most important articles (at most 4).
> The deadline is october 30, 2006.
> Nominations should be sent to the president of GAMM,
> Prof. Dr. Rolf Jeltsch, preferably in electronic form.
> The president of GAMM is the chair of the
> Richard-von-Mises Prize committee whose members are:
> Members:
> L. Gaul, Stuttgart (2004-2010)
> A. Mielke, Berlin (2004-2010)
> A. Quarteroni, Lausanne/Milano (2005-2011)
> A. Kluwick, Vienna (2006-2012)
> President der GAMM: R.Jeltsch (2005-2007)
> Prof. Dr. Rolf Jeltsch (2005-2007)
> CH-8092 Zurich
> Switzerland
> Phone: +41 44 632 3452
> Fax: +41 44 632 1104
> e-mail: jeltsch@math.ethz.ch
> ========================================================================
> ========
> Rolf Jeltsch Seminar for Applied Mathematics
> ETH Zurich
> CH-8092 Zurich Switzerland
> Congress Director ICIAM 2007 to be held in Zurich 16-20 July 2007
> Phone Office: +41 44 632 3452 Home: +41
> 44 980 1822
> mobile: +41 79 456 6649
> Secretary D. Ballarin +41 44 632 3465 FAX: +41
> 44 632 1104
Received on Fri Oct 20 10:56:32 2006

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