----- Original Message -----
From: Huan Liu
To: Computational Science Mailing List
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 11:48 PM
Subject: [computational.science] Feature Selection Methods: Call for Book Chapters
Call for Book Chapters - Computational Methods of Feature Selection
Knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD) is a multidisciplinary
effort to extract nuggets of information from data. Massive data sets
have become common in many applications and pose novel challenges for
KDD. Along with changes in size, the context of these data runs from
the loose structure of text and images to designs of microarray
experiments. Research in computer science, engineering, and statistics
confront similar issues in feature selection, and we see a pressing
need for and benefits in the interdisciplinary exchange and discussion
of ideas. We anticipate that our collaborations will shed light on
research directions and provide the stimulus for creative
breakthroughs. The two recent feature selection workshops have
demonstrated solid progress (FSDM 2005 \http://enpub.eas.asu.edu/workshop/
and FSDM 2006 http://enpub.eas.asu.edu/workshop/2006/).
Feature selection is an essential step in successful data mining
applications. Feature selection has practical significance in many
areas such as statistics, pattern recognition, machine learning, and
data mining. The objectives of feature selection include: building
simpler and more comprehensible models, improving data mining
performance, and helping to prepare, clean, and understand data.
We welcome submissions featuring both the theory behind feature
selection as well as novel applications to data. The following is a
non-inclusive list of sample topics.
Feature ranking and selection
Ensemble methods
Feature extraction or construction
Selection bias
Stream data reduction
Selection with small samples
Selection for labeled and unlabeled data
Selection for text, Web, Bioinformatics
Novel data structures
Emerging challenges
Quality measures and evaluation
Real-world applications
The book will be published by Chapman and Hall/CRC Press in 2007, and
edited by Huan Liu and Hiroshi Motoda.
Important Dates
. Submission deadline, December 31, 2006
. Review and selection completed, February 28, 2007
. Decisions out March 10, 2007.
. Camera ready with index word lists, April 15, 2007
. Compilation, correction, proofread, May 25, 2007
The format and preparation instructions can be found in the
instructions file
Please submit a pdf file of your work to featureseletion@gmail.com and
cc to motoda@ar.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp.
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Received on Fri Aug 18 06:59:43 2006
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