> Graduate Students Department of Physics, Portland State University
> (Oregon/USA)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MSc/PhD candidate positions in crystallography/applied physics
> The Nanocrystallography Group
> <http://www.physics.pdx.edu/%7Epmoeck/research%20group> at the
> Department of Physics <http://www.physics.pdx.edu/> of Portland State
> University <http://www.pdx.edu/> is seeking candidates (m/f) for MSc and
> PhD projects in the field of transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
> based nanocrystallography. The graduate student projects focus on
> aspects of the development of novel nanocrystal characterization
> methods. These methods will utilize a combination of high-resolution
> phase contrast imaging in TEM and goniometry of direct lattice vectors
> <http://www.physics.pdx.edu/%7Epmoeck/goniometry.htm>.
> The Nanocrystallography group is a user of Portland State Universitys
> electron microscopy center
> <http://www.gatan.com/knowhow_8/psu_open_house.pdf>. Occasional travel
> to and work at the National Center for Electron Microscopy
> <http://ncem.lbl.gov/>, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is
> anticipated to access some of the most advanced TEM instrumentation in
> the country. Summer research at the Department of Physics, Technical
> University Chemnitz may also become part of some projects.
> The ideal candidate has a diploma of BSc. in crystallography,
> mineralogy, materials science and engineering, physics, or chemistry,
> and it interested in both geometrical-structural crystallography and
> transmission electron microscopy. Computer- and experimental skills are
> essential for the success of the projects. While some projects will
> require more experimental skills, some other projects will require more
> computer skills (notably JScript, Java, C++, Perl, PHP).
> Portland State University is with an estimated enrollment of about
> 30,000 students Oregons largest and only urban university.
> Portland/Oregon <http://www.portlandonline.com/> is the major city in
> the so called silicon forest, i.e. a region where high tech industries
> blend in with abundant natural beauty, and has consistently been ranked
> in the top ten of Americas most livable cities. Information on
> student life in Portland <http://www.physics.pdx.edu/gep_files/gep.htm>
> can be found on our departmental web page. The search will be open until
> successful candidates have taken up their respective positions.
> Applications (CV, references, etc.) should be sent to: Prof. Peter
> Moeck, Department of Physics, Portland State University, P.O. Box 751,
> Portland, Oregon 97207-0751
> http://www.physics.pdx.edu/~pmoeck <http://www.physics.pdx.edu/%7Epmoeck>
Received on Thu Jul 27 08:16:14 2006
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