Fw: [computational.science] ICIAM 2007: minisymposium proposals solicited by August 2006

Autor: Krzysztof Hübner <hubner_at_iod.krakow.pl>
Data: Fri 30 Jun 2006 - 14:27:23 MET DST
Message-ID: <001501c69c40$8a79dcc0$051d9c95@hubner>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"

> The Sixth International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
> ICIAM 2007, will be held in Zurich, Switzerland from 16-20 July 2007.
> It will take place at the two adjacent central campuses of ETH Zurich
> and the University of Zurich. The old town is just a few minutes away.
> Currently, minisymposia proposals are being solicited:
> Deadline for proposals: 31 Aug 2006
> Notification of acceptance: 30 Sep 2006
> An ICIAM minisymposium proposal requires a title and a short abstract
> or description (to be printed in the program) plus a short justification,
> which includes a tentative list of speakers.
> An ICIAM minisymposium consists of either one session (4 talks of 30 min)
> or two such sessions.
> A participant may organize several minisymposia, but should speak only in
> one of them. He or she may also speak in other minisymposia that are
> organized by other persons.
> The proposal has to be submitted electronically via the conference
> registration system, which is accessible from
> http://www.iciam07.ch/registration
> ICIAM discourages minisymposia in which most of the speakers or all the
> coauthors come from the same organization.
> For additional rules and recommendations on ICIAM minisymposia see:
> http://www.sam.math.ethz.ch/~iciam07/RegGuide/node8.html
> The Congress will feature
> * 27 invited ICIAM speakers
> * the AWM/EWM Olga-Taussky Todd Lecture
> * the GAMM Prandtl Lecture
> * the GAMM von Mises Lecture
> * the SIAM von Neumann Lecture
> * an Euler Lecture
> * a Public Lecture
> * hundreds of minisymposia
> * contributed papers, poster sessions
> * ceremonies for five ICIAM prizes and the ETH/SIAM Peter Henrici
> the GAMM Richard von Mises Prize, and the SIAM James H. Wilkinson
> * five Industry Days
> * exhibitions
> * four Embedded Meetings:
> - the Annual GAMM Meeting 2007 (with another set of invited speakers)
> - a meeting of the African Mathematical Union
> - a meeting of the China Society for Industrial and Applied
> - a meeting of the Union Matematica de America Latina y el Caribe
> - a meeting of the European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical
> Biology
> Preregistration, minisymposia proposal submission, and abstract submission
> is now open under http://www.iciam07.ch/registration.
> The most important deadline are:
> * 31 Aug 2006 deadline for minisymposia proposals
> * 12 Nov 2006 deadline for abstract submission
> * 15 Jan 2007 deadline for early-bird registration
> Other deadlines are summarized under http://www.iciam07.ch/deadlines.
> For further information keep visiting http://www.iciam07.ch.
> A list of satellite conferences (held shortly before or after ICIAM07)
> is compiled under http://www.iciam07.ch/satellite-conferences.
> ICIAM 2007 is being organized on behalf of the ICIAM organization
> by a joint committee of ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich:
> Rolf Jeltsch (Congress Director, ETH Zurich)
> Walter Gander / Martin Gutknecht / Petros Koumoutsakos (ETH Zurich)
> Erwin Bolthausen / Michel Chipot / Stefan Sauter (University Zurich)
> ********************************************************************
> Martin H. Gutknecht, Prof. Dr. sc. math.
> ETH Zurich
> Seminar for Applied Mathematics
> HG G52.2
> CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
> ===========================
> Tel: (+41) (44) 632-3464 (office)
> (+41) (62) 923-3019 (home)
> Fax: (+41) (44) 632-1104 (office)
> Email: mhg@math.ethz.ch
> http://www.sam.math.ethz.ch/~mhg
> ********************************************************************
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Received on Fri Jun 30 14:52:51 2006

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