New deadline call for papers CMMSE-2006

Autor: Krzysztof Hübner <>
Data: Tue 27 Jun 2006 - 10:19:36 MET DST
Message-ID: <002f01c699c2$6da0aeb0$051d9c95@hubner>
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Dear colleague:
This is a reminder of the call for papers to attend the 6th International
Conference on Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering CMMSE-2006 we
sent four months
We have received some requirements to extend the previously established
deadline. The new deadline for extended abstracts is **21th
Selected full papers from those extended abstracts will be considered after
peer review for publication in one of the prestigious journals referred to
You can obtain further and updated information on the web page:


Yours faithfully,
Conference team organizer
PS: The webpage has been updated recently. Next week the webpage will be
updated again, mainly the areas which are related to new advantages in
accomodation and tourist

REMINDER: Call for Papers and Special


* * Satellite Conference of International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid,


* *

* September 20-23, 2006*

* University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain*

* *

* The 2006 Conference on Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering
Conference (CMMSE2006) is the sixth of this conference series. This
conferences aims to be a unifying, cross-cutting, interdisciplinary gathering,
where specialists can have exposure to diverse fields, a chance to meet new
people in or near their individual areas of research, and participate in
special sessions different from, but still close to, their own

* Topics of Interest:

-Computational Biology

-Computational Chemistry

-Computational Engineering

-Computational Mathematics

-Computational Physics

-Computational Statistics

-High Performance Computing

-Industrial Mathematics

-Mathematical Methods in Environmental Science

-Mathematical modelling in Economy

-Mathematical models in Medicine

-Mathematical models for the information society

-Space Geodesy and Space Dynamics

-Computation in Complex Networks

* Extended abstracts will be published in the Proceedings of CMMSE

2006 and will be available at the conference.

* Selected full papers will be considered after peer review for publication in
the following

-Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Elsevier

-International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Wiley

-Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (tentative)

-Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, Kluwer

-Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, Kluwer

-Journal of Super Computing, Springer

-Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Wiley (tentative)

-International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Taylor-Francis

* Plenary Speakers Include:

-Prof. D. Belkic, Karolinska Institute, Sweden

-Prof. S. Boccaletti, Istituto Nazionale di Ottica Applicata, Italy

-Prof. E. Brandas, Uppsala University, Sweden

-Prof. L. Brenig, University Libre, Belgium

-Prof. I. Duff,Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK

-Prof. D. Estep, Colorado State University, USA

-Prof. B. Matkovski, Northwestern University, USA

-Prof. S. Oharu, Department of Mathematics, Chuo University, Japan

-Prof. E.H. Twizell, Brunel University,UK

-Prof. J. Xu, Pennsylvania State University, USA (tentative)

-Prof. E. Zuazua Iriondo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

* Scientific Committee

-Prof. H. Arabnia, The University of Georgia, USA

-Prof. D. Belkic, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

-Prof. K. Belkic, University of Southern California, USA

-Prof. S. Boccaletti, Istituto Nazionale di Ottica Applicata, Italy

-Prof. E. Brändas, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden

-Prof. L. Brenig, Brussels Free University (ULB), Belgium

-Prof. M. Calvo, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain

-Prof. R. Criado-Herrero University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain

-Prof. D. Estep, Colorado State University, USA

-Prof. J. Ferrándiz, University of Alicante, Spain

-Prof. D. Higham, University of Strathclyde, Scotland, UK

-Prof. J. Li, Pennsylvania State University, USA

-Prof. P. Mezey, University of Newfoundland, Canada

-Prof. R. Mickens, Clark Atlanta University, USA

-Prof. M. Paprzycki, Oklahoma State University, USA

-Prof. V. Rayward-Smith, University of East Anglia, UK

-Prof. D. Richardson, Ohio State University, USA

-Prof. G. A. Thakkar, University of New Brunswick, Canada

-Prof. G. Vanden Berghe, University of Ghent, Belgium

-Prof. J. Vigo-Aguiar, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain

-Prof. I. Vigo-Aguiar, University of Alicante, Spain

-Prof. B. Wade, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA

-Prof. J. Xu, Pennsylvania State University, USA

-Prof. E. Zuazua Iriondo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

* Important Dates:

Conference: September 20-23, 2006

Deadline for extended abstract submission: July 14, 2006

Acceptance Notification: July 22, 2006

Deadline for early registration: July 31, 2006

* Conference registration fee is 400 euros (200 euros for students or
participants from developing

* Further information:

Check the web site

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Received on Tue Jun 27 10:45:23 2006

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