Fw: [computational.science] 3rd Call for Paper - ICTAI 06'

Autor: KJ Hübner <hubner_at_iod.krakow.pl>
Data: Thu 08 Jun 2006 - 07:24:34 MET DST
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                            November 13-15, 2006

                        Arlington, VA (Washington, D.C.)

                      Sponsored by: IEEE Computer Society


 The annual IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial
Intelligence (ICTAI) provides a major international forum where the creation
and exchange of ideas relating to artificial intelligence are fostered among
academia, industry, and government agencies. The conference facilitates the
cross-fertilization of these ideas and promotes their transfer into
practical tools, for developing intelligent systems and pursuing artificial
intelligence applications. The ICTAI encompasses all the technical aspects
of specifying, developing, and evaluating the theoretical underpinnings and
applied mechanisms of AI tools. A selection of the best papers in the
conference will be published in a special issue of the International Journal
on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT).

 Some Topics but not limited to the following:
 ¡¤ AI in Software Engineering;
 ¡¤ AI in Bioinformatics;
 ¡¤ AI in Games;
 ¡¤ AI in Multimedia Systems;
 ¡¤ AI in Real-time and Embedded Applications;
 ¡¤ AI in E-commerce;
 ¡¤ AI in Database and Data Mining;
 ¡¤ AI in Medicine;
 ¡¤ AI in Computer Security and Information Assurance;
 ¡¤ AI in Robotics;
 ¡¤ AI in logistics and Supply Chain Management;
 ¡¤ Case-Based Reasoning;
 ¡¤ Cognitive Modeling;
 ¡¤ Constraint Programming;
 ¡¤ Collaborative Software Agents;
 ¡¤ Fuzzy Logic and Reasoning Under Uncertainty;
 ¡¤ Evolutionary Computing;
 ¡¤ Hybrid Intelligent Systems;
 ¡¤ Intelligent Tutoring/Training Systems;
 ¡¤ Intelligent Internet Agents;
 ¡¤ Intelligent Interface Agents;
 ¡¤ Knowledge-based Systems;
 ¡¤ Knowledge Creation;
 ¡¤ Knowledge Discovery;
 ¡¤ Representation and Ontology;
 ¡¤ AI Algorithms;
 ¡¤ Intelligent Information Retrieval;
 ¡¤ Knowledge Extraction;
 ¡¤ Management and Sharing;
 ¡¤ Machine Learning;
 ¡¤ Natural Language Processing and Speech Understanding;
 ¡¤ Neural Networks;
 ¡¤ Search and Heuristics;
 ¡¤ Planning and Scheduling;
 ¡¤ Qualitative Reasoning;
 ¡¤ Vision and Image Processing.

 The manuscript should not exceed 8 single-spaced, double-column pages,
including figures and tables. The font size should be at least 10 point. All
paper submissions will be handled electronically through our online web
submission system. The submission of your paper should be in PDF file
format.(See detailed instruction on submission page,

 C. Important Dates
 ¡¤ June 15, 2006 Deadline for paper submissions.
 ¡¤ August 16, 2006 Notification of acceptance.
 ¡¤ September 10, 2006 Final camera-ready paper & author registration due.
 ¡¤ November 13-15, 2006 ICTAI 2006 conference.

 General Chair:
 Dr. A. Lim, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

 Co-Program Chairs:
 Dr. Chang-Tien(C.T.) Lu,
 Dept. of Computer Science, Virginia Tech, National Capital Region, 7054
Haycock Road, Falls Church, Virginia 22043, USA, ctlu@vt.edu,
 Dr. Nikolaos G. Bourbakis,
 Wright State University, College of Engr., ITRI, 3640 Colonel Glenn
Highway, Dayton, Ohio 45435, USA, nikolaos.bourbakis@wright.edu
Received on Thu Jun 8 07:49:32 2006

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