> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Third Call for Papers
> Session on
> "New Developments on Computer Algebra Packages"
> http://personales.unican.es/iglesias/NDCAP2006/
> of the
> Second International Congress on Mathematical Software, ICMS'2006
> Castro Urdiales, SPAIN, September 1-3, 2006
> Conference web site: http://www.icms2006.unican.es
> Contact persons: Andres Iglesias, <iglesias@unican.es>
> Tetsuo Ida, <Tetsuo.Ida@acm.org>
> ----------
> Computer Algebra Packages (CAPs) - such as Mathematica, Maple,
> Matlab, Scilab and many others - are an integral part of Mathematical
> Software. In addition to their powerful symbolic manipulation
> capabilities, they also provide the users with a large number of
> appealing features, such as arbitrary-precision calculations, a fully
> integrated framework for numerical/symbolic computation, nice
> visualization tools and graphical user interfaces (GUIs), reliable
> and fast communication tools and protocols, the possibility of
> running remote kernels and performing calculations on the Web, etc.
> This session will focus on new software developments (packages,
> notebooks, worksheets, libraries, etc.) carried out on any computer
> algebra package and introducing innovative solutions to mathematical
> and scientific problems. The session will also be a forum for the
> discussion of the potential and real advantages and shortcomings of
> these computer algebra systems for mathematical software.
> The technical session is a part of the International Conference on
> Mathematical Software, ICMS'2006 (a ICM satellite event), that will
> be held in Castro Urdiales, Spain, September 1-3 2006.
> ------
> This session will focus on new software developments (packages,
> notebooks, worksheets, libraries, etc.) carried out on any computer
> algebra package and introducing innovative solutions to mathematical
> and scientific problems. Thus, we accept papers describing research
> on actual or possible applications of these systems to any scientific
> field (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Computer
> Science, Education, Industry, etc.).
> In addition to their powerful symbolic manipulation capabilities, the
> computer algebra packages also provide the users with a large number
> of appealing features, such as arbitrary-precision calculations, a
> fully integrated framework for numerical/symbolic computation, nice
> visualization tools and graphical user interfaces (GUIs), reliable
> and fast communication tools and protocols, the possibility of
> running remote kernels and performing calculations on the Web, etc.
> Papers exploring any of those issues to solve complex problems as
> well as papers describing strategies to combine them with other
> programs and/or packages are also welcome.
> Finally, papers identifying new directions of research, presenting
> new software systems or discussing the potential and real advantages
> and shortcomings of these computer algebra packages for mathematical
> software will also be considered.
> The topics to be addressed include (but are not limited to):
> * computer algebra applications to Mathematics, Physics,
> Chemistry, Engineering, Biology, Computer Science, Social Sciences,
> Arts, Entertainment, Architecture, etc.
> * symbolic-numerical computations using computer algebra systems
> * computer algebra systems and Internet
> * industrial applications of computer algebra
> * problem-solving environments
> * symbolic-numeric interface
> * computer algebra systems in Education
> * computer algebra based simulations
> * new computer algebra developments (packages, notebooks, etc.)
> * new symbolic computation algorithms
> * new issues in symbolic computation
> ---------------
> * April 20, 2006: Draft papers due (pdf file only)
> * May 25, 2006: Notification of Acceptance
> * June 10, 2006: Camera-ready version of your paper
> * September 1-3, 2006: ICMS 2006 conference in Castro Urdiales
> -----------
> Proceedings of this session will be published by Springer-Verlag,
> Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
> --------------------
> For paper submission, please refer to the URL:
> http://personales.unican.es/iglesias/NDCAP2006/submission.htm
> and follow the instructions indicated there.
> ----------- END OF CALL FOR PAPERS ---------
> --
> ___________________________________________________________
> Ph.D. Andres IGLESIAS PRIETO (University of Cantabria)
> Dpt. of Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences
> E.T.S. Ingenieros de Caminos - University of Cantabria
> Av. de los Castros s/n. 39005 SANTANDER (SPAIN)
> E-mail: iglesias@unican.es
> Phone: +34 942 202062 NEW NEW NEW NEW!!!!!
> Fax: +34 942 201703
> Web page: http://personales.unican.es/iglesias
> ___________________________________________________________
Received on Tue Apr 11 15:32:42 2006
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