----- Original Message -----
From: "Lori Malatesta" <lori@image.ntua.gr>
To: "Computational Science Mailing List"
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 1:28 PM
Subject: [computational.science] ICANN 2006 Final Call for Papers
Final Call for Papers
*****Five days to deadline*****
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 06)
****** The deadline for submission of papers (abstract + full paper) to
regular sessions
has been extended to 31 March 2006 *****
10-14 September 2006
Holiday Inn Hotel, Athens, Greece
*****Conference Framework*****
The 16th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN 2006,
will be held from
September 10 to September 14, 2006, at the Holiday Inn Hotel, Athens Greece.
ICANN is an annual
conference organized by the European Neural Network Society in cooperation
with the International
Neural Network Society, Japanese Neural Network Society, and the IEEE
Computational Intelligence
Society, and is a premier European event in all topics related to neural
ICANN 2006 (www.icann2006.org) welcomes contributions on the theory,
algorithms, applications
and implementations in the following broad areas:
-Computational neuroscience;
-Connectionist cognitive science;
-Data analysis and pattern recognition;
-Graphical networks models, Bayesian networks;
-Hardware implementations and embedded systems;
-Neural and hybrid architectures and learning algorithms;
-Neural control, reinforcement learning and robotics applications;
-Neural dynamics and complex systems;
-Real world applications;
-Robotics, control, planning;
-Signal and time series processing;
-Vision and image processing;
-Web semantics;
-Intelligent Multimedia and the Semantic Web.
Ideas and nominations for interesting tutorials, special sessions, workshops
and experts willing
to organize various session tracks are called for. Most active experts will
be included in the
scientific committee of the conference.
Proceedings of ICANN will be published in Springer's "Lecture Notes in
Computer Science".
Paper length is restricted to a maximum of 10 pages, including figures.
*****Deadlines and Conference dates*****
06.01 Submission page opens
31.03 End of submission of papers (abstract+full paper) to regular
31.03 End of submission of papers to special sessions
30.04 Acceptance/rejection notification
15.06 Deadline for camera ready papers
01.07 Deadline for early registration
10.09 Tutorials - first day of the conference
11-13.09 Main part of the conference
14.09 Workshops
For further information and/or contacts, send inquiries to
Prof. Stefanos Kollias (stefanos@cs.ntua.gr)
Prof Andreas Stafylopatis (andreas@cs.ntua.gr)
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering National Technical University of
Athens 9,
Heroon Polytechniou str.,
157 80 Zografou, Athens, Greece.
General Chair
Stefanos Kollias,
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece
Andreas Stafylopatis,
NTUA, Greece
Program Chair
Wlodzislaw Duch, Torum, PL & Singapore; ENNS President-elect
Erkki Oja, Helsinki, FI; ENNS President
Honorary Chair
John G. Taylor, Kings College, London, UK; ENNS Past President
*****International Program Committee*****
-Hojjat Adeli, Ohio State University, USA
-Peter Andras, U. Newcastle, UK
-Marios Angelides, Brunel University, UK
-Panos Antsaklis, U. N. Dame, USA
-Bruno Apolloni, University of Milan, IT
-Nikolaos Bourbakis, Wright State Univ., USA
-Peter Erdi, Univ. Budapest, HU & Kalamazoo
-Georg Dorffner, Univ. Wien, AT
-Jose Derronsoro, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, ES
-Christophe Garcia, France Télécom
-Patrick Gallinari, Univesrite Paris 6, FR
-Erol Gelenbe, Imperial College London, UK
-Stan Gielen, Univ. Nijmegen, NL
-Janusz Kacprzyk, Warsaw, PL
-Nikola Kasabov, Kedri, AUT, NZ
-Okyay Kaynak, Bogazici Univ., TR
-Chris Koutsougeras, Tulane University, USA
-Thomas Martinetz, Luebeck, DE
-Evangelia Micheli-Tzanakou, Rutgers University, USA
-Lars Niklasson, Skövde, SE
-Andreas Nuernberger, University of Magdenburg, DE
-Marios Polycarpou, Univ. of Cyprus, CY
-Demetris Psaltis, Caltech, USA
-Branimir Reljin, University of Belgrade, YU
-Olli Simula, Espoo, FI
-Alessandro Sperduti, U.Padova, IT
-Lefteris Tsoukalas, Purdue Uni, USA
-Michel Verleysen, Louvain-la-Neuve, BE
-Alessandro Villa, U. Grenoble, FR
*****Local Organizing Committee*****
-Yannis Avrithis, NTUA
-Christos Douligeris, Piraeus Univ
-George Dounias, Aegean Univ
-Kostas Karpouzis, ICCS-NTUA
-Aris Likas, Univ. of Ioannina
-Kostas Margaritis, Univ. Macedonia
-Basil Mertzios, DUTH and ATIT
-Stavros Perantonis, NCSR, Athens
-Yannis Pitas, AUTH, Salonica
-Costas Pattichis, Univ. of Cyprus
-Apostolos Paul Refenes, Athens University Economics & Business
-Christos Schizas, Univ. of Cyprus
-Thanos Skodras, Univ. of Patras
-Kostas Spyropoulos, NCSR, Athens
-Giorgos Stamou, ICCS-NTUA
-Sergios Theodoridis, UoA
-Nicolas Tsapatsoulis, University of Cyprus
-Spyros Tzafestas, NTUA
-Mihalis Zervakis, TUC, Crete
Received on Tue Mar 28 08:04:07 2006
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