- [Seminarium] Blackboard Day - 15 grudnia 2005
- ADI - welcome to Austempered Ductile Iron
- Amerylkańska Foundry Educational Foundation !
- Call for Papers - SEUS 2006
- CFP The Second International Workshop in Modelling Complex Systems]
- CSC'06 - Call For Papers - June 26-29, 2006, Las Vegas, USA
- DEADLINE EXTENED TO PARTICIPATE at the International Conference on Computational Science and it's Applications 2006 (ICCSA)
- Deadline Fast Approaching: Grid Computing Security and Resource Management (GSRM'06)
- Ductile Iron Society - Beijieng Meeting.htm
- Foundry-planet.com The B to B Portal for technical and commercial foundry manag
- Grid CA'06 - Call For Papers - June 26-29, 2006, Las Vegas, USA
- Grids and Advanced Networks Workshop, CCGrid06, May 16-19, 2006, Singapore (fwd)
- ICAI'06 (June 26-29, 2006) - Call For Papers
- ICPR2006 CFP **Deadline Extension** 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition
- Information Bridge DOE Scientific and Technical Information czyli jak robi to rzad USA
- konferencje w 2006 roku !
- konferrencje odlewnicze AGH w 2006 roku
- linki do konferencji na 2006 rok !
- Linki odlewnicze
- linki odlewnicze - wykaz !
- Metallurgy, Links to Practical Data.htm
- Neural Networks.htm
- Panam VI meeting in Mexico-Call for Papers
- PDPTA'06 - Call For Papers - June 26-29, 2006 - Las Vegas, USA
- Ph.D. Studies in San Diego
- program kongresu AFS
- The Federation of European Materials Societies - Home.htm
- University of Plymouth: EPSRC CASE PhD studentship
- workshop
- WORLDCOMP'06 - Call For Papers and session proposals
- www.odlewnictwo.com - serwis polskiego odlewnictwa
- ¯yczenia ¦wi±teczne
- ¿yczenia ¶wiateczne !