> Second Call for Papers
> Technical Session on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling, TSCG'2005
> Singapore, May 9-12, 2005
> Conference web site: http://personales.unican.es/iglesias/TSCG2005/
> Workshop chairs:
> Andres Iglesias (University of Cantabria, Spain): iglesias@unican.es
> Deok-Soo Kim (Hanyang University, Korea): dskim@hanyang.ac.kr
> ______________________________________________________
> ----------
> Nowadays, Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling are recognized as
> important and challenging areas of Computer Science. This Technical
> Session solicits high-quality papers for presentation describing
> original research results in Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling.
> All accepted papers will be published as full papers in the
> Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Series and
> will be available for the delegates in printed form. In addition, all
> accepted papers will be scheduled for oral presentation. Submission
> implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and
> present the paper.
> The workshop is a part of ICCSA'05, the 2005 International Conference
> on Computational Science and its Applications to be held in Suntec
> Singapore, Singapore, May 9-12 2005. The previous editions of this
> session were TSCG2004 held in Assisi (Italy) May 14-17, 2004 and
> TSCG'2003 held in Saint Petersburg (Russian Federation) June 2-4
> 2003. The proceedings were also published by Springer-Verlag in its
> Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, Vols. 2657 and 3044
> respectively.
> The conference language will be English.
> ------
> This workshop will cover the following aspects of computer graphics
> and modeling:
> * Geometric Modeling
> * Physically Based Modeling
> * Surface Reconstruction
> * Geometric Processing
> * Volume Visualization
> * Shape Modeling Compression
> * Shape Model Watermarking
> * Autonomous Agents
> * Computer Animation
> * Computer Graphics in Art, Education, Engineering, Entertainment and
> * Rendering Techniques
> * Multimedia
> * Non Photo-Realistic Rendering
> * Virtual Reality
> * Virtual Environments
> * Illumination Models
> * Texture Models
> * Computer Graphics and Internet (VRML, Java, etc.)
> * Artificial Intelligence for Computer Graphics
> * Computer Graphics Software
> * Computer Graphics Hardware
> * Computer Graphics Applications
> * Computer Graphics Education
> * Industrial Applications of Computer Graphics
> * New directions in Computer Graphics
> ---------------
> * December 22, 2004: Draft papers due
> * January 20, 2005: Notification of Acceptance
> * February 5, 2005: Camera Ready Papers
> * May 9-12, 2005: ICCSA 2005 conference in Singapore
> -----------
> All accepted papers will be published as full papers by
> Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series and will be
> available for the delegates in printed form. In addition, all accepted
> papers will be scheduled for oral presentation.
> --------------------
> The Workshop offers prospective authors to send a full paper by
> e-mail. The papers should be sent to either of the session chairs:
> Andres Iglesias: iglesias@unican.es
> Deok-Soo Kim: dskim@hanyang.ac.kr
> All submissions must be written in English. Send the paper as an
> attachment provided that the size of the message is reasonable (less
> than, let's say, 4 MB). Otherwise, please contact us before sending
> the paper.
> Acceptable formats are pdf and postscript (use extension .pdf or .ps,
> respectively).
> In addition to the paper, you must send a list of three possible
> referees for your paper, explaining why do you propose them. However,
> there is not guarantee that your paper will be reviewed for some of
> the proposed reviewers. This list is intended to assure that the
> review process is performed at due time. Therefore, the list will be
> used only if we are unable to find other reviewers for your paper.
> After receiving your submission, the paper will be reviewed taking
> into account: relevance, significance of results, originality,
> technical accuracy, and readability and acceptance/rejection will be
> based on this review. If a paper is rejected you will be contacted and
> given the referee reports. It may well be that your paper is more
> suited to be submitted to another workshop or conference.
> Papers should be 6 to maximum 10 pages A4, formatted using the LNCS
> guidelines. The style files for the LNCS can be found at the following
> URL:
> http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html
> The initial submission of the paper for peer review must be a full
> paper (6 to 10 pages), not an extended abstract. Your paper must
> (MUST!) be formatted according to the rules of the LNCS, in order to
> be accepted and published. This point will be checked very carefully.
> ----------------------
> If you have questions with the procedures or encounter any problems
> please contact the workshop chairs at:
> Andrs Iglesias (iglesias@unican.es)
> Deok-Soo Kim (dskim@hanyang.ac.kr)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Received on Thu Dec 9 14:10:14 2004
To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.8 : Mon 07 Feb 2005 - 10:51:21 MET