Subject: PhD studentship in Nanofabricated Spintronic Devices
PhD studentship in Nanofabricated Spintronic Devices
The newly formed Leeds Institute for Nanomanufacturing is supporting
a PhD studentship to start in Oct 2004 to work in the area of
nanoscale spintronic devices. The microelectronic revolution is based
on the use of the charge of the electron to store and manipulate
information. Spintronics aims to do this taking advantage of the
magnetic degree of freedom of the electron, its spin. Basic sensor
devices operating on this principle form the read-head of today's
high density disk drives, and recent popular articles in Science, New
Scientist, IEEE Spectrum, and Physics Today discuss the promise of
this new technology. Leeds has been a leader in the UK research in
this field in the past few years, and the research effort is being
bolstered by new equipment as part of the Ł4.5M university investment
in nanotechnology infrastructure. The student will be jointly
supervised by Dr C. H. Marrows (X33780, in
Physics and Astronomy and Dr. R. M. D. Brydson (X32369, in the Institute for Materials Research. The
Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory is an industrial partner in the project
and we would expect the successful candidate to spend a fraction of
their time hosted at these labs. Interested candidates should contact
either Dr Marrows or Brydson on or before the 16th July 2004.
Dr Chris Marrows
School of Physics & Astronomy, E.C.Stoner Laboratory,
University of Leeds, Leeds. LS2 9JT UK
Phone : +44 (0)113 3433780 Fax : +44 (0)113 3433846
-- _____________________________ Dr. Rik Brydson, Leeds Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy (LEMAS) Centre Institute for Materials Research, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, U.K. Tel: 44 + (0)113 343 2369 Fax: 44 + (0)113 242 2531 Web: Web: ______________________________ EMAG-NANO 2005 Conference The University of Leeds 31 August - 2 September 2005 visit ______________________________ MSc in Nanoscale Science and Technology Visit ______________________________ UK SuperSTEM facility - Atomic resolution Analysis _______________________________ Bedtime reading.......... Series: Microscopy Handbooks - Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy by Rik Brydson Published by BIOS September 2001 Ł29.99 ISBN: 1859961347 ************************** Join email discussion list for all aspects of Electron Microscopy and Analytical Spectroscopy (LEMAS) visit website and follow instructions ************************** ===================================== EELS and X ray database : ===================================== --Received on Tue Jul 13 08:34:33 2004
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