> Email: longli_tem@hotmail.com
> Name: Long Li
> Organization: University of Pittsburgh
> Title-Subject: [Microscopy] [Filtered] MListserver: A post-doctoral
position is available
> Question: Dear All:
> A post-doctoral position is available starting immediately on the
characterization of nanoparticles by advanced scanning transmission electron
microscopy methods, such as quantitative Z-contrast imaging, electron energy
loss spectroscopy, as well as high resolution electron microscopy.
Experience with VG-STEM and Z-contrast imaging is specially appreciated.
This is part of a collaborative program with University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign and Brookhaven National Labs, to predict and determine the
3-dimensional supported structure of nanoparticles utilized in heterogeneous
catalysis either as model systems or for water purification for fundamental
understanding of nano-catalytic reactions.
> To apply for this position, please send a resume with the names and
contact information for three references, or to obtain more information,
please contact:
> Professor Judith Yang
> 848 Benedum Hall
> Materials Science & Engineering Dept.
> University of Pittsburgh
> Pittsburgh, PA 15261
> jyang@engr.pitt.edu
> (412) 624-8613
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Received on Fri Jun 25 16:24:37 2004
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