> Dear colleague,
> this is the second announcement for the SIMU-conference
> ``Bridging the Scales'' (Genova, 29.8.-31.8.2004).
> We would enjoy your participation in the conference.
> The program and additional informations are attached as
> pdf-files, the conference web-site is: http://simu.uni-konstanz.de
> The deadlines for the submission of poster abstracts
> and for early registration are June 15.
> You may also interested in knowing that the conference will
> be followed in Genoa by the CCP04 computational physics conference
> (see http://www.ccp2004.infm.it/) which may be of interest to you.
> The deadlines for registration and submission of contributions to
> CCP04 are listed under www.ccp2004.infm.it/dates.html .
> People going to CCP04 as well can book their hotels simultaneously
> for the two conferences.
> Please excuse if you receive more than one copy of this e-mail,
> which is due to the use of address file lists with partial overlaps.
> With best regards
> Peter Nielaba
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Professor Dr. Peter Nielaba e-mail: peter.nielaba@uni-konstanz.de
> Physics Department Phone: ++ 49 7531 88 4259
> Theoretical Physics Secretary: ++ 49 7531 88 4272
> University of Konstanz FAX: ++ 49 7531 88 4462
> D-78457 Konstanz, Germany http://www.uni-konstanz.de/nielaba
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Received on Tue Jun 15 10:04:30 2004
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