Fw: SCIA 2003: Welcome to Göteborg June 29-July 2

Autor: KJ Hübner <hubner_at_IOd.krakow.pl>
Data: Fri 13 Jun 2003 - 07:58:55 MET DST
Message-ID: <007e01c33170$e115b420$051d9c95@iod.krakow.pl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

> Welcome to Göteborg and SCIA 2003
> You are cordially welcome to Göteborg and SCIA 2003.
> We are delighted to present an excellent scientific program including
> not only conventional scientific sessions (oral and poster), but also
> tutorials on Hidden Markov Modeling and Active Shape Models, and a
> workshop on Deformable Models. For this, we are bringing together some
> of the most outstanding investigators in the field of image processing
> and analysis.
> We have received 224 submitted papers and accepted 152 for presentation
> at the oral (75) and poster (77) sessions. Our PC committee has,
> together with other reviewers, done an excellent job in editing these
> contributions. We would like to thank all of you who contributed one way
> or the other to creating an exciting SCIA program.
> Besides the scientific activities, we have arranged several social
> events (boat trip, city tour, conference dinner, etc.). We hope that
> these will contribute in making your stay at the conference and in
> Göteborg both pleasant and rewarding. The dark night picture of the
> Göteborg harbor and opera house that decorated the SCIA Call for Papers
> is beautiful, but let us hope that the famous Northern light will shine
> on us all during these few midsummer days.
> Again, very welcome to SCIA 2003 and looking forward to seeing you all
> in Göteborg.
> Tomas Gustavsson Josef Bigun
> For more information please visit: www.hh.se/scia2003
> --- SCIA 2003
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Received on Fri Jun 13 08:02:38 2003

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