> Call for papers and Announcement
> Internet imaging V
> S. Jose, California, 18-22 January 2004
> Conference Chairs: Simone Santini, Univ. of California/San Diego; Raimondo
> DISCo/Univ. degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (Italy)
> Program Committee: Kobus Barnard, Univ. of Arizona; Nadia L.
> Univ. of Aizu (Japan); Jeffrey E. Boyd, Univ. of Calgary (Canada); Alberto
> Bimbo, Univ. degli Studi di Firenze (Italy); Theo Gevers, Univ. of
> (Netherlands); Jennifer Gille, Raytheon ITSS; Amarnath Gupta, Univ. of
> Diego; Hagit Z. Hel-Or, Univ. of Haifa (Israel); Ivan Herman, W3C
> Roger-David Hersch, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
(Switzerland); Yasuyo
> G. Ichihara, Hosen-Gakuen College (Japan); Ramesh C. Jain, Georgia
> of Technology; Clement H. C. Leung, Victoria Univ. of Technology
> Stéphane Marchand-Maillet, Univ. de Genčve (Switzerland); Wolfgang T.
> Univ. Bayreuth (Germany); Simon Shim, San Jose State Univ.; Alain Trémeau,
> Jean Monnet (France)
> This conference is intended as a forum for discussing technologies,
> and challenges of placing imaging information on the Internet and
> with it. Special attention will be given to papers describing new
> or presenting well argumented vision statements on potentially
> applications for images and video on the Internet, and on how these
> will take advantage of the opportunities and deal with the challenges of
> medium.Papers are solicited in the following areas:
> . Languages for the description of multimedia data
> . Languages for transmitting, displaying, and interacting with imaging
> . Video summarization and segmentation for Internet access
> . Data modeling and representation
> . Content-based retrieval of images and video on the Internet
> . Evaluation of imaging systems
> . Database techniques for content-based search on the internet
> . Principles of experimental evaluation of internet imaging systems
> . Evaluation of practical Internet imaging systems
> . standards for image and video data (SVG, SMIL, MPEG-7,...)
> . Image transmission
> . Image-based user interfaces
> . Telepresence
> . Applications: education, telemedicine, cultural heritage, digital
> collaborative systems,...
> . Multimedia presentation on the Internet: media integration,
presentation, management,
> authoring
> . Web cameras: their impact on video analysis technology, applications
> . Social and legal issues for images on the Internet, including
> property, content rating, watermarking, authentication, non-repudiation,
> and varying cultural perception of content
> . Interactive image creation for the Internet: artistic expression.
> Internet Imaging is the host for the Benchathlon event
> an open collaboration for research on the performance analysis of content
> image retrieval systems (CBIRS). Topics of interest include but are not
> to annotation & ground truthing, communication protocols, user models,
> metrics, and benchmark protocols. A fast Internet connection will be
> in the conference room.
> Abstract Due: 23 June 2003
> On-site Proceedings Manuscripts Due: 27 October 2003 For more information
> this and other related conferences, please see www.electronicimaging.org
> --------------------
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> 291794
Received on Thu May 15 12:01:10 2003
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