> We are happy to announce the Euresco Conference on:
> Advanced Environments and Tools for High Performance Computing;
> The EuroConference on Problem Solving Environments and the Information
> Society.
> Albufeira (Algarve), Portugal, 14 19 June 2003
> You can find the Scientific Programme and on-line Application at:
> http://www.esf.org/euresco/03/pc03139
> Deadline for applications: 14 April 2003
> The conference is supported by the European Commission, Research DG,
> Human Potential Programme, High-Level Scientific Conferences (Contract
> No: HPCF-CT-2000-00153).
> Grants are available for young scientists from European Community
> countries and Associated States.
> Speakers will include:
> M. Livney (Wisconsin, USA)
> B. Chopard (Geneve, Sw)
> M. Bubak (Krakow, Pl)
> G. Attardi (Pisa U., I)
> J. Fortes (Florida U., US)
> A. Marsh (NTU Athens, EL)
> E. Canestrelli (Venice U., I)
> S. Gallopoulos (Patras U., EL)
> J. Michopoulos (NRL, US)
> N. Chrisochoides (W&M College, US)
> W. Gentzsch (Gridware GmbH, D)
> N. Ramakrishnan (Virg. Polyt. Inst., US)
> S. Cincotti (DIBE-Genova U., I)
> R. Hempel (NEC, D)
> P. Sloot (Amsterdam U., NL)
> J. Cunha (Lisboa U., P)
> A. Joshi (Maryland U., US)
> D. Talia (Calabria U., I)
> J. Encarnacao (FICG, Darmstadt, D)
> S. Kawata (Utsunomiya U., J)
> D. Walker (Cardiff U., UK)
> C. Farhat (Colorado U., Boulder, US)
> F. Kruggel (MPI Leipzig, D)
> S. Weerawarana (IBM, US)
> S. Focardi (Intertek Group, F)
> Scope of the conference
> There is a clear trend in modelling and simulation technology away from
> rigid simulation codes treating a fixed aspect towards sophisticated
> problem-solving environments (PSEs). These environments are widely
> considered an essential, emerging technology with high impact across all
> fields of science and engineering. PSEs will be especially important to
> successfully address all kinds of multidisciplinary phenomena such as
> fluid-structure coupling and rapidly developing fields such as
> bio-informatics and other application fields where vast amounts of data
> need to be managed and processed to discover patterns and knowledge
> contained within it. By integrating the latest research results into
> easy-to-use environments and utilizing grid-computing infrastructure,
> PSEs will also help to make them easier to exploit for larger user
> communities.
> The conference program addresses the state-of-the-art in infrastructure,
> standards, and core technologies (i.e. data mining, intelligence,
> virtual interfaces, grid computing) for PSEs and reviews PSE
> developments in health, bio-informatics, engineering, marketing and
> finance, environment, and education and training.
> The conference is open to researchers worldwide, whether from industry
> or academia. Participation will be limited to 100. The emphasis will be
> on discussion about new developments. The conference fee covers
> registration, full board and lodging. Grants will be available, in
> particular for nationals under 35 from EU or Associated States.
> ---
> Chair: Elias Houstis (EL, University of Patras, EL)
> Vice-Chair: Peter Sloot (NL, University of Amsterdam, NL)
> For printed copies, contact: Dr. J. Hendekovic, European Science
> Foundation,
> EURESCO Unit, 1 quai Lezay-Marnésia, 67080 Strasbourg Cedex, France
> Tel.+33 388 76 71 35 Fax.+33 388 36 69 87 E-mail: euresco@esf.org
Received on Thu Apr 17 10:21:12 2003
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