9th Frontiers of Electron Microscopy in Materials Science 2003
Claremont Resort and Spa, Berkeley, CA
October 5-10, 2003
Major support for FEMMS2003 is provided by Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and the University of
California at Davis.
Vendors supporting FEMMS include:
LEO Electron Microscopy Ltd.
E. A. Fischione, Inc.
Gatan, Inc.
Thermo NORAN
VENDORS: To support FEMMS2003 click here
* Monday am - AEM (Organizer: M. Rühle, MPI Stuttgart)
* Monday pm - FIB (Organizer: R. Langford, Oxford)
* Monday evening - poster session
* Tuesday am - Imaging (Organizers: G. Campbell, LLNL)
* Tuesday pm - Optics and detector developments for materials science
(Organizer: J. Bradley, LLNL and U. Dahmen, LBNL)
* Wednesday am - EBSD and Diffraction methods
(organizers: M. Kumar and A. Schwartz, LLNL)
* Wednesday pm - X-ray phase contrast microscopy
(Organizer: A. Hamza, LLNL)
* Thursday am - Electron Tomography and biomaterials
(Organizer: J. Plitzko, Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Martinsried)
* Thursday pm - Nanomaterials (Organizer: D. Williams, Lehigh
and B. Carter, Minnesota)
* Friday am - In-situ and time resolved microscopies
(organizers: W. King, LLNL and D. Medlin, SNL)
* Friday pm - Next Generation Electron Microscopes and Facilities
(Organizer: I. Robertson, UIUC)
Participants in FEMMS2003 will be limited to 100. All oral presentations
are invited. All submitted contributions will be considered for
the Poster Session.
FEMMS2003 Registration Fee is US$700.00 (after September 1, 2003
US$800.00) and US$200.000 for graduate students, which includes five
breakfasts, four lunches,
four dinners provided by the excellent chef, Hans Wiegand
(http://femms2003.llnl.gov/Claremont/popup.html) who was raised and
studied the Culinary arts in Germany and has been at the Claremont for 9 years.
Internet-FAX registration available at
The scientific sessions and the poster presentations will
take place at Claremont Resort and Spa, located in Berkeley, CA
June 1, 2003 Deadline for Abstract Submission
You will be notified immediately after submission as to the
acceptance of your abstract
September 1, 2003 Deadline for hotel booking
September 1, 2003 Deadline for registration
K. Furuya, National Research Institute for Metals
S. Iijima, Meijo University
Richard M Langford, Oxford University
Jürgen Plitzko, Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie
M. Rühle, Max-Planck-Institut, Stuttgart
Se Ahn Song, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
P. Stadelmann, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
S. Bradley, UOP
B. Carter, University of Minnesota
Marc Degraef, Carnegie Mellon University
Ian Robertson, University of Illinois
J. Silcox, Cornell University
D. Williams, Lehigh University
National Labs
Kathi Alexander, LANL
Larry Allard, ORNL
Charles W. Allen, ANL
U. Dahmen, LBNL
Doug Medlin, SNL
Dean Miller, ANL
Terry Mitchell, LANL
Ymei Zhu, BNL
Local, LLNL
John Bradley
Geoffrey Campbell
Dave Eaglesham
Michael Fluss
Alex V. Hamza
Wayne King
Mukul Kumar
Kevin Moore
Adam Schwartz
Mark Wall
Alexander Ziegler
Joan Brunsvold
Judy Benigno
Wayne King
Tel: 925-423-6547
Email: femms2003@llnl.gov
-- ********************************************* Wayne E. King Organizer FEMMS2003 Frontiers of Electron Microscopy in Materials Science 2003 Chemistry and Materials Science Directorate Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory P.O. Box 808; L-356 Livermore, CA 94550 Major Sponsors: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Argonne National Laboratory Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Brookhaven National Laboratory University of California at Davis Sponsored by: LEO Electron Microscopy Ltd. E. A. Fischione, Inc. Gatan, Inc. Thermo NORAN (925)423-6547 http://femms2003.llnl.gov mailto:FEMMS2003@llnl.gov *********************************************Received on Tue Jan 14 13:19:56 2003
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