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Institute of Physics
Royal Microscopical Society
Materials Research Society
13th International Conference on
31 March 3 April 2003, University of Cambridge, UK
Final Call for Papers
This international conference will focus on the state-of-the-art in the
study of the structural and electrical properties of semiconductors
by the application of transmission and scanning electron
microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, X-ray techniques and all
related assessment methods.
Special conference sessions will concentrate on recent
developments in high-resolution imaging and analytical (S)TEM,
advances in SPM and SEM applications, the important
characteristics of epitaxial layers (including III-nitrides), quantum
nanostructures (dots, wires and wells), the effects of advanced
device processing treatments (especially for silicon technology),
metal-semiconductor contacts and silicides, together with critical
device properties, FIB applications and failure analysis. Prominent
invited speakers will introduce each topic area: full details are given
at the conference web site:
The Proceedings of the conference will be published and the final
call for papers has now been issued. Abstracts (deadline 2
DECEMBER 2002) should be submitted on-line at the above web
Additional general conference information can be obtained from the
Secretariat at the IOP (claire.pantlin@iop.org). The conference
Chairmen are Prof Tony Cullis (a.g.cullis@sheffield.ac.uk) and Dr
Paul Midgley (pam33@cam.ac.uk), who may be contacted with
any scientific programme enquiries.
Professor Tony Cullis
Dept of Electronic and Electrical Eng
University of Sheffield
Mappin Street
S1 3JD, UK
Tel: +44-114-222-5407
Fax: +44-114-272-6391
E-mail: a.g.cullis@sheffield.ac.uk
Remember: The MSM XIII conference
31 March - 3 April, 2003
University of Cambridge
Secretariat: IOP, London
URL http://physics.iop.org/IOP/Confs/MSM/
Received on Tue Nov 26 12:00:21 2002
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