The National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) has many Post
Doctoral Positions open. These are offered competitively through the
National Research Council (NRC). Within our research areas we have many
possible openings described at the web site listed below. We have about
forty full time scientists specializing in microscopy and microanalysis
measurement methods in our extensive facilities including:
SEMs, AEMs, Auger probes, MicroXRD/XRF, Synchrotron beam-line with grazing
incidence XPS, Chemometrics, NSOM and other scanned probes, SIMS/TOF-SIMS,
Isotopic analysis, MicroRaman/IR, etc.
We develop and test new and improved measurement methods and we apply these
methods to challenging analytical problems in a variety of areas including
semiconductor and optoelectronic technology, particle characterization,
materials science, environmental and earth science, etc. If you have
research ideas that would be related to the analytical approaches below and
are looking for a Post Doc opportunity. The NIST/NRC program offers a
two-year Post Doc at an annual salary of approximately $55,700 with an
additional $5,500 for research expenses. The applications are due to the
NRC by Jan 15, 2003. This includes a brief proposal and several
A candidate must be a U.S. citizen and start work (with their PhD in hand)
at NIST between July 1, 2003 and Feb 1, 2004. So, this is the perfect
opportunity for those that are graduating this winter through next fall and
others that have received their degree within the last five years. Please
note that NIST/NRC only competes Post Doc positions once a year, unlike
some other institutions.
For more details see:
If interested please contact:
Eric B. Steel, Leader e-mail:
Microanalysis Research Group Office: 301-975-3902
N.I.S.T. FAX: 301-417-1321
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8371
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8371
Received on Tue Oct 29 10:52:12 2002
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