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1st Call for Abstracts
* 1st Across Grids Conference *
* Santiago de Compostela, Spain *
* February 13-14, 2003 *
* *
Programme Committee Chair: Marian Bubak (
Organising Committee Chair: Francisco Fernandez Rivera (
The Across Grids Conference will take place in Santiago de Compostela
on 13-14 February 2003 organised by Crossgrid, CESGA, USC and UDC. It will
follow the yearly CrossGrid Workshop, which is an internal event on 10-12
February 2003.
Objectives and themes
The objective of the Across Grids Conference is to bring together and to
support a collaboration of all people participating in European and other
Projects, researchers, developers, practitioners and potential users of grid
This international meeting will cover
- overview of main European grid projects,
- presentation of hot research problems in grid,
- examples of grid applications,
- grid infrastructure, middleware, quality of service and other tools,
- other grid related topics
Contributed presentation
We encourage all colleagues working in this field to send in their grid
technologies related research. A presentation will be accepted on the basis
of an abstract in PDF or PS format, which should:
- contain the title, authors and their affiliations,
- have an extension of up to 1500 words including results and up to two
- be sent to before December 9, 2002 at 15:00 CET.
Submitted abstracts will undergo a peer review process. Selected abstracts
will be invited to send in the full paper version, which should not exceed
ten single-spaced typed pages, formated using the LNCS guidelines
( Papers will be selected
either for oral presentation or for poster sessions.
Selected papers and posters will be published after the Conference in
Springer LNCS.
Programme Committee
Andres Gomez (CESGA, Spain)
Brian Cughlan (TDC, Ireland)
Dick van Albada (UVA, Nederlands)
Holger Marten (FZK, Germany)
Jesus Marco (CSIC, Spain)
Jorge Gomes (LIP, Portugal)
Marian Bubak (UCI, Poland)
Marios Dikaiakos (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
Michal Turala (INP Krakow, Poland)
Norbert Meyer (PSNC, Poland)
Peter Sloot (UVA, Nederlands)
Yannis Perros (Algosystems, Greece)
International Advisory Committee
We are still pending confirmation from a good number of leading researchers
in grid technologies that have been contacted to be part of this committee.
This committee will be fully formed before the second call for abstracts. So
far the following have confirmed:
Antonio Puliafito (University of Messina, Italy)
Domenico Laforenza (ISTI-CNR, Italy)
Emilio Zapata (University of Malaga, Spain)
Fabrizio Gagliardi (CERN, Switzerland)
Francisco Tirado (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Jaroslaw Nabrzyski (Pozman Supercomputing Centre, Poland)
Javier González Castańo (University of Vigo, Spain)
Jose Salt (IFIC-CSIC, Spain)
Kyriacos Baxevanidis (CEC, EU)
Manuel Delfino (CERN, Switzerland)
Marks Parsons (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Marian Bubak (UCI, Poland)
Marios Dikaiakos (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
Paul Messina (Argone National Laboratory, USA)
Wolfgang Gentzsch (Sun Microsystems, USA)
Organising Committee
Francisco Fernandez Rivera (University of Santiago, Spain)
Ramon Doallo (University of Coruńa, Spain)
Andres Gomez (CESGA, Spain)
Tomas Fernandez (University of Santiago, Spain)
Fernando Bouzas (CESGA, Spain)
Registration and more information
More information can be found at the Conference web site
Important dates
- second call for abstracts - November 4, 2002
- abstract submission - December 9, 2002 before 15:00 CET
- acceptance notification - December 20, 2002
- camera-ready papers submission: - January 17, 2003
- early bird registration - ends January 10, 2003
Organising Institutions
Crossgrid Project
University of Santiago
University of A Coruńa
Centro de Supercomputacion de Galicia (CESGA)
Sponsors are welcomed. Send your proposal to
Please pass this information on to your research associates.
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Received on Mon Oct 21 10:32:01 2002
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