(Senior Experimental Officer grade)
The Manchester Materials Science Centre wishes to appoint an electron
microscope supervisor within the Electron Optics Section of the Centre. The
Materials Science Centre, which is a joint activity between UMIST and the
University of Manchester, achieved the highest research rating of 5* in the
recent national Research Assessment Exercise, and has an extensive suite of
modern electron microscopes including 4 transmission (TEM) and five scanning
(SEM) instruments.
The successful applicant will have prime responsibility for the scanning
electron microscopes and associated preparation equipment, and auxiliary
instrumentation such as Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), and Electron
Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD), but will also be expected to assist other
staff with the transmission electron microscopes and with the general
running of the facilities.
The job will involve the organising the maintenance and servicing of the
microscopes, training and supervision of new users and assistance with
undergraduate and postgraduate projects. The person appointed will also be
expected to liaise closely with academic staff in new developments and
applications of SEM.
Suitable candidates will be experienced in running and maintaining electron
microscopes in a Materials Science environment.
Salary will be within the scale: Ł27,545-Ł32,537 per annum
For an application form and further details please write to: The Personnel
Office, room B9, Main Building. The closing date is 12th July 2002. Please
quote reference: MSC/AR/133
Further information about the post may be obtained from either:
Professor G.W. Lorimer: email:
or Professor F.J. Humphreys: email:
at The Manchester Materials Science Centre, Grosvenor Street, Manchester M1
tel +44 (0)161 200 3617, fax +44(0)161 200 8877
An equal opportunity employer
To be advertised in JOBS.AC.UK
Received on Fri Jun 21 20:14:26 2002
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